Yoga Routine For Back Pain Relief

Certain yoga poses help stretch back muscles for pain relief. Plus, regular practice strengthens the area and reduces the risk of injury.

Yoga exercises are great for promoting muscle relaxation, combating symptoms of stress, and relieving back pain.

Several factors can promote back pain. But  yoga stretches and breathing techniques help reduce them.

Although many prefer to rest, yoga offers more beneficial therapeutic effects. Thus, it is an effective method for relieving chronic or recurring pain.

However, it is important to know how to choose an appropriate posture, especially when you do not have enough experience. For this reason, we would like to share with you a simple routine for working this part of the body.

1. Child’s posture

The Balasana or posture of the child is one of the postures of yoga to relieve back pain. It is an active stretch of the spine that calms stiffness, tension by improving circulation and relaxing muscles.

How to do ?

  • Get down on your knees with your buttocks on your heels. Then bring your head to the ground, until you touch it.
  • Keep your arms at your sides to relax more.
  • Try to maintain the posture for 15-20 seconds while breathing deeply.

Note: If your head does not reach the floor or the position is uncomfortable, use a support pillow.

2. Cat posture

The Cat Pose , known as the Bidalasana , is a comprehensive exercise that reduces stress on the back and neck. Due to the movements, it promotes the use of synovial fluid to keep the spine flexible and therefore healthy.

How to do ?

  • Starting from the child’s position, stand up. Stretch your arms and curl your spine upward (like a cat).
  • Keep your head down, as if trying to touch your stomach with your forehead.
  • Keep your knees and the tops of your feet flat on the floor.
  • Then straighten your back for a few seconds. At the same time, raise your head and look ahead.
  • Switch from one position to another, with slow movements and breathing exercises. For example, breathe in in the first position and breathe out in the next.

3. Triangle pose to relieve back pain 


The triangle pose or Trikonasana is a yoga exercise that helps relieve back,
back and neck pain .

It also helps build flexibility in the hips and spine, which helps prevent the risk of injury.

How to do ?

  • Stand up and spread your legs apart to a level a little wider than your shoulders. Then touch the left leg with the hand on the same side.
  • Then raise your right arm towards the ceiling, as well as your head.
  • Try to keep your left leg straight and your left leg a bit bent.
  • Finally, repeat the exercise on the opposite side and rest.

4. Grasshopper pose

The Salabhasana or Grasshopper Pose is a complete exercise to stretch and relax muscle groups in the body. Because it completely stretches the spine, it helps relieve back pain. It also allows you to work your abdomen and shoulders.

How to do ?

  • Lie face down on the yoga mat, supporting yourself on your abdomen.
  • Then raise your legs and chest so that they cannot touch the ground.
  • Keep your arms at your side with your fingers pointing towards the back of your body.
  • Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds, breathing normally.

5. Dove posture to relieve back pain

relieve back pain with dove posture.

The Dove Pose or Salamba Kapotasana is a complex yoga exercise for back pain relief. These are movements that increase the flexibility and strength of the muscles that surround the spine.  In addition, it strengthens the glutes, hamstrings and calves.

How to do ?

  • Get down on your knees and place one leg bent forward. Stretch your other leg back and put your hands on the floor at the sides of your body.
  • Then you need to stretch your groin down to the floor. To do this, move your heel away from your bent leg and raise your knee. Also contract the buttocks so that they do not “leverage”.
  • Bring the tailbone to the pubis, contract the abdomen and squeeze the shoulder blades to point them towards the tailbone. Finally, stretch your arms above your head with your palms together.

Note: To reduce pressure on the hip, push the hands off the floor.

As you can see, this yoga routine for back pain relief is very simple and does not require a lot of experience. You just need to find a quiet and comfortable place to concentrate 100%.

  • Yogaterapia.
  • Chen, KY, Shaparin, N., & Gritsenko, K. (2017). Low back pain. In Pain Medicine: An Essential Review.
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  • Cramer, H., Lauche, R., Haller, H., & Dobos, G. (2013). A systematic review and meta-analysis of yoga for low back pain. Clinical Journal of Pain.
  • Groessl, EJ, Weingart, KR, Aschbacher, K., Pada, L., & Baxi, S. (2008). Yoga for Veterans with Chronic Low-Back Pain. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

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