Want To Fall Asleep In Less Than A Minute?

Although you might not believe it, falling asleep in less than a minute is very beneficial because it helps us stabilize the heart rate and has a positive impact on the health of our body.

This is when the problems take full possession of your head, without you being able to defend yourself. It is as if your mind is running on its own and going against you. Do you know how to fall asleep in less than a minute?

This sudden onset of negative thoughts and worry delays the time to fall asleep, which can lead to more or less severe insomnia.

If this is your case, it is good that you learn the following technique, thanks to which you will fall asleep in less than a minute.

Fall asleep in less than a minute with the 4-7-8 technique

The method, devised by Harvard professor Adrew Weill, is very simple:

  • Inhale through your nose for four seconds.
  • Then hold the air for seven seconds.
  • Finally, slowly expel the air: the exhalation may last 8 seconds.

Repeat this several times to test its effectiveness. The next day you won’t remember falling asleep, but we assure you it will have lasted less than a minute.

Why is this technique to fall asleep in less than a minute so effective?

how to fall asleep in less than a minute

The key is in the seven seconds it takes to hold air. 

The reason it’s so interesting is that holding your breath slows down your heart rate, and therefore decreases anxiety.

Thus, worries will stop invading you: relaxation will close the door to negative ideas, and do not let them enter again. You are now the decision maker.

The results will also show up on the quality of sleep. Indeed, when we have a slow heartbeat, our body gets oxygen properly, and this is essential for our rest.

Conversely, the breathing of nervous people is deficient. The rhythm is quickened and irregular, and as a result, the air that comes into our body is of poor quality.

This is what gives the feeling of waking up more tired than at bedtime.

Thus, falling asleep in less than a minute using the 4-7-8 technique will free you from insomnia but will also guarantee quality sleep, since your organs and muscles will be perfectly oxygenated.

Benefits of falling asleep in less than a minute

1. You will look fitter and more beautiful / beautiful 

The skin will thank you for this rest. As you sleep soundly, your hormonal system kicks in to rejuvenate and strengthen our cells.

In order for the components to function perfectly, the rest of the body must be at rest. However, if we take a long time to fall asleep, and the brain maintains an alert level during sleep, the above process will stop.

2. You will eat less

Having a good rest reduces stress levels during the day, and falling asleep in less than a minute will allow you to eliminate the effects of this state, especially when you wake up.

Anxiety prompts us to eat more than we should: The momentary pleasure we experience when we enjoy a dish we love acts as a transient stress inhibitor, but we will inevitably put on pounds.

3. You will learn more and better

brain and sleep

One of the most basic functions of our brain is learning. We use it continuously: when we listen to the news, when we go to work, when we perceive a new gesture in a colleague, or when we read a book.

This is why this large muscle needs at least 8 hours of rest per day.

If you sleep less, or if you have difficulty sleeping, he will be forced to work more, and his capacities will gradually decline: lack of concentration, difficulty in connecting ideas between them …

4. Falling asleep in less than a minute will improve your self-esteem.

In addition to being prettier, you will have plenty of energy to start the day! You will therefore have a more positive attitude towards what you have to face, especially when you are faced with a difficult situation.

As you are more alert and have more ability to learn, your problem solving abilities will also increase, which will help you resolve conflicts even more.

When you have done this, you will be satisfied with yourself and your self-esteem will rise.

If you have insomnia, we recommend using the 4-7-8 technique, because not only will you let go of what worries you, but you will also be in control of your wakefulness and you will be in a better position to obtain what you want and therefore do away with what keeps you from sleeping.

Are you ready to give it a try?

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