Vegetable Couscous Recipe

Vegetables benefit from a large amount of compounds with an antioxidant character. These are able to neutralize the formation of free radicals, thus reducing the risk of becoming ill.

Vegetables are foods that should be part of any diet. It is recommended to consume them on a daily basis because  they provide essential nutrients to ensure the proper functioning of the body. However, not everyone likes these products. So we are going to teach you how to prepare a couscous with vegetables, which will delight almost everyone!

The first thing to take into account is that in order to make a healthy menu, it is essential to guarantee variety. Therefore, it is important to combine foods of different types, looking for a nutrient supply that is as complete as possible.

Vegetable couscous

Before we get into the thick of the preparation of the recipe, we would like to tell you about some of its nutritional properties. First of all, we must emphasize the presence of vegetables from the garden,  foods capable of reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular problems in the long term. This is according to a study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology .

In addition, we will include a protein element in the preparation: tuna. This fish is not only composed of proteins of high biological value: it also benefits from unsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 series. These nutrients have been shown to be able to modulate inflammation in the body, which decreases the incidence of many metabolic diseases.

Finally,  we can note the presence of vitamin C in peppers. This micronutrient has the power to increase the synthesis of endogenous collagen, modulate oxidation and strengthen immune function. According to a study published in Nutrients , adequate consumption reduces the duration of respiratory infectious frames.

A dish of vegetables.


  • 1 glass of couscous.
  • 2 medium carrots.
  • 1 medium onion.
  • Crushed tomatoes.
  • 1 can of plain tuna.
  • Olive oil.
  • 1 red pepper and 1 green.
  • Garlic.
  • Curry and spices according to your preference.

Steps for elaboration

The first thing to do is cook the couscous. It couldn’t be simpler: just boil some water and pour a layer of couscous into a deep container.

Once the water boils, put a pinch of salt in it and pour it over the grains until they are covered. Then cover the container and let stand 3 or 4 minutes. From there, we reserve the ingredient.

The next step is to fry the vegetables. To do this, peel and cut the garlic into thin strips and brown it in a pan with extra virgin olive oil. Then cut the rest of the vegetables into small pieces and put them in the pan. First, the onion with a little salt then, when it has taken on a semi-transparent color, the other vegetables.

It is necessary to cook them over medium heat until they are more tender,  with an additional pinch of salt. Once you get to this point, add the crushed tomatoes as desired. At this point, you will need to add the condiments. Curry is one of the most suitable spices for this dish, as is oregano.

After cooking the vegetables with the tomato for about 7 minutes, over medium-low heat, you can add the tuna. We turn off the heat and let all the flavors mix. Finally, pour the couscous on top and mix until everything is smooth.

Other options with vegetables if you don’t have couscous

If for some reason you don’t have couscous at home or don’t like this ingredient, you can substitute it with other options. This is a recipe that  also works with rice or quinoa  as the main sources of carbohydrates.

The latter could even be particularly beneficial because it offers a greater intake of fiber.

We must not forget that couscous is an extremely processed seed. Its absorption in the intestine is therefore rapid, which can cause a sudden increase in blood sugar. Even though this process is modulated with the rest of the ingredients, other options are more suitable.

A bowl of couscous.

Couscous with vegetables: a healthy dish

As you may have seen,  couscous with vegetables is a simple and very nutritious dish. You can prepare it in the evening and keep it in the fridge until noon the next day, which can help if you are in a hurry to eat. In addition, you will guarantee an optimal supply of nutrients and antioxidants.

Remember that it is essential to supplement an adequate diet by practicing regular physical exercise. Otherwise, over the years, the body will lose functionality. Particular attention should also be paid to nighttime rest.

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