Values ​​in The Home: The Key To A Successful Generation

Values ​​are fundamental beliefs by which we make decisions and which influence our choices. They generally condition our actions and our attitude in life. Therefore, they directly influence the success we can achieve.

There is currently a crisis of values! It is a very topical subject. For several generations, what was once a symbol of family pride is gradually being lost.

The house is the ideal place to transmit fundamental values ​​that allow the construction of a more harmonious society.

We must teach our children, from an early age, family and social values, as well as their applications in daily life.

These values ​​will define the attitude that the new generations will adopt in their adult life and which will shape their personality.

What are values?

Some define them as fundamental beliefs that allow an individual to develop their own personality. They guide the decision-making process and the actions to be taken.

Others see them as qualities that allow us to choose, adopt certain attitudes and appreciate certain aspects of life.

Values ​​encourage us to behave in a certain way in the face of life situations and are based on morals and good manners. When we act on the principles and values ​​we have learned at home, we experience a special sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

We could say that values ​​condition the way we behave in the face of life’s circumstances. Every behavior we choose is an example for our children.

Parents are therefore the first and most important model of values ​​for children. These can be transmitted thanks to the example that parents give to their children.

Hence the importance of choosing the way we act in each circumstance. This is essential for imparting principles and values ​​to children.

Parents have a responsibility to pass these values ​​on to their children from an early age, even if they think they don’t understand them. In fact, most of the time, children understand everything.

What values ​​should we instill in our children?

Each family is a particular world which defines its own rules and norms of behavior. Usually, values ​​are passed down from generation to generation. In other words, you will instill in your children what your parents taught you, and you will also have your particular preferences about it.

It is important to mention that at times, a person’s values ​​can be influenced by environment, culture, friendships, experiences, among other factors.

However, today in this article we are going to list some of the most important values ​​that it is important to teach children so that they develop fully and are able to achieve all the success they deserve.

Discover the values ​​that all parents should pass on to their children:


Gratitude is a value associated with the recognition of a good received. So, it is about feeling and expressing admiration for people who do us a service or give us gifts. Teaching our children to be grateful leads them to do the same.

Also, gratitude can be expressed in different ways and has no limits. A smile, a hug, a simple “thank you” or a handshake expresses and signifies gratitude.

The respect

This value forms the basis on which human relationships should be established. Respect allows for the recognition of the virtues and autonomy of people.

When you have respect, you accept the right of others to be and act differently. Respect allows for harmonious coexistence.


Another of the fundamental virtues to instill in children is honesty. It is an essential value that helps us to live and coexist in the truth. Being honest promotes trust in others.

Honesty also allows other important values ​​to emerge such as integrity, justice and truth. Always try to use honesty in your daily actions to educate your children consistently.

The responsibility

Conveying the value of responsibility to children is a task that requires dedication. Indeed, responsibility is closely linked to commitment.

When we fulfill our family, professional and civic obligations, we teach this important value to our children. Responsibility is also linked to taking responsibility for the consequences of the actions we take.


Being generous is one of the most beautiful virtues that a human being can have. Generosity is about empathy, staying attentive to the needs of others and helping them when needed. Generous people enjoy helping and sharing with others.

It is normal for children, especially younger ones, to think that everything is theirs. This does not mean that they are selfish, it is a natural reaction. However, parents often have to intervene by correcting them so that they learn to be generous.


As parents, it is important to remain humble so that our children can imitate humility. In this way, they will never feel superior to others. Teaching them to have a humble attitude will help them get to know themselves better. Thus, they will not hesitate to accept their faults and mistakes either.

Humility facilitates overcoming weaknesses, as well as taking charge of strengths. People who act with humility don’t brag about their actions. This value was described by Mother Teresa of Calcutta with the following sentence: “Humility consists in silencing our virtues and letting others discover them”.


This list would be incomplete if we did not talk about other values ​​like peace, love, justice, freedom, tolerance, solidarity, friendship and kindness.  These universal values ​​are essential for human coexistence.

Each individual generally prioritizes certain values ​​over others, based on various factors. However, the important thing is to be able to guide the education of children towards the greatest amount of essential values.

It is only by example that we can help form a generation that can also transmit the same values ​​to others and to society.

It is important that children learn that it takes effort in life. They must also know how to appreciate the simple things. Education is one of the most important tasks of human beings.

Whether you are a parent, a grandmother or a teacher, it is inevitable that you will wonder what values ​​to pass on to the little ones.  In this article, we are going to suggest four values ​​that are among the most important.

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