Vagus Nerve Stimulation In The Ear

The vagus nerve stimulation technique in the ear is a procedure that involves small flows of electrical current applied to the ear. They thus generate a tingling sensation. This technique is used to reduce some aging processes and to treat pain.

Stimulation of the vagus nerve in the ear is a technique used to manage pain and to slow down the aging process. Indeed, this technique has become very relevant lately. The number of studies aimed at validating its effectiveness has therefore increased.

Studies, such as the one conducted by the Technical University of Vienna on this subject, demonstrate the effectiveness of vagus nerve stimulation in the ear in relieving chronic pain. The results are very encouraging, although more research is needed. Let’s see what this technique consists of.

What does vagus nerve stimulation consist of?

How can vagus nerve stimulation in the ear impact pain, aging, and even such complex issues as mental health? There is a connection between the places of passage of this nerve, the shape of the auditory system and many functions of the systems of the human body.

The ear is a kind of gateway to the nervous system. There are indeed specific places in the outer ear where the vagus nerve can be stimulated. And since it is a structure that then travels through internal organs, the information it carries is then distributed to a large part of the body.

In addition, the vagus nerve, also known as the pneumogastric nerve , transmits information from the brain to various organs such as the lungs and the heart. It also has a sympathetic branch and a parasympathetic branch. Through them, it regulates functions such as respiration, heart rate, blood pressure and digestion.

This technique then consists of inserting small electrodes into the ear, which are controlled by a portable device which is placed on the neck. This creates and transmits electrical impulses which are felt like tickling in the ear.

A doctor undergoing vagus nerve stimulation in a patient's ear.

An antidote against aging

A study conducted by the University of Leeds and published in Aging  indicates that the technique of stimulating the vagus nerve in the ear  helps protect people from various pathologies related to aging. And more specifically, hypertension and heart disease.

According to Beatrice Bretherton, study coordinator, stimulation of the vagus nerve helps influence the body’s metabolic balance in order to take corrective action. In addition, the method has the advantage of not involving the use of drugs or invasive procedures.

On the other hand, the sympathetic branch of the vagus nerve helps the body to prepare for struggle or to flee. The parasympathetic branch, on the other hand, affects rest and digestion. As we age, the sympathetic branch gradually begins to dominate.

The technique of stimulating the vagus nerve in the ear is therefore used to reverse this situation. It activates the parasympathetic branch and balances it with the sympathetic branch. Consequently, the stress is less as well as the risk of developing various pathologies like those already mentioned.

Vagus nerve stimulation for chronic pain relief

The technique of stimulating the vagus nerve in the ear  also generates good effects in the treatment of chronic pain.  It should then be specified that the vagus nerve originates in the medulla oblongata and innervates the pharynx, esophagus, larynx, trachea, bronchi, heart, stomach, pancreas, liver and some other viscera.

When the fibers of the vagus nerve are stimulated, it leads to less pain. The biggest challenge is getting the electrodes in the right place.

Thanks to the help of a computer model, it was also possible to establish, with more and more precision, the most suitable electrical signals. The strength and shape of these signals are two things to consider.

A woman who needs vagus nerve stimulation in her ear.

Additional effects of this technique

This type of stimulation has also been shown to be effective in eliminating tinnitus, also known as tinnitus . Tinnitus is sounds, beeps, or bangs that are sometimes felt in the ear and are not from an outside source. They are the result of many factors ranging from trauma to Ménière’s syndrome. Until stress or overwork.

Finally, these revelations concerning the technique of vagus nerve stimulation are only the tip of the iceberg. It is indeed believed that new applications and new benefits of this innovative method will emerge in the coming years.

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