To Those Who Are Gone, To Those Who Sleep In Our Hearts

Even if you are told otherwise, do not suppress your feelings. Cry if you have to, as this will help you let off steam, relax, and channel your pain.

Those who have left, we carry them in our hearts. In this corner where the Eternal sleeps, where our most precious possessions reside.

Losing a person, his death, is not easy for anyone. And what’s more, which will force us to deploy a series of strategies that no one has prepared us for.

Learn to say goodbye to those who are gone

How can we say goodbye to someone who was by our side just a few moments ago? Death does not know the reasons, and even less the moments.

Sometimes it takes from us people who had not yet filled their “ life quota ”, young people who still have hundreds of experiences to live and who, nevertheless, left our side, leaving us a void.

Death should allow us to say our goodbyes. It should be like a train station, where we can say goodbye to our loved ones, take them in our arms for a long time and intensely, say those words that we always keep deep inside us and which sometimes turn into bitter regrets.

However, since life builds its way in this way, we have to adapt to it and understand, first of all, that we are not eternal, that all of this around us is just a short walk. Hence the need to live fully each day.

It is not always easy to mourn those who have left too early.

We must be careful to let ourselves be lulled by the night each evening, without having to settle accounts, without forgetting an “I love you”, without having to rest alongside anger and resentment.

Enjoy every moment with your loved ones, promote happiness in each of your daily breaths.

Having clarified this essential aspect, let’s now see what guidelines we need to follow in dealing with the loss of a loved one and “overcoming” the fact that they are no longer there.

Live the mourning of those who left too soon

We’re sure you’ve heard of grief, the emotional process that follows any kind of loss, whether it’s separation from a partner or, in this case, the death of a loved one.

It is essential that we take into account that managing a loss requires dealing with multiple emotions.

People who decide to instantly “dive” into the normality of their routine, without recognizing the pain, may end up having problems in the future. Now let’s see what are the stages of mourning:

1. Stages of acceptance of the death of those who left too early: the refusal

How can I accept that my partner is no longer there? How can I accept that I will no longer see my mother, my sister, this soul mate? It’s very complicated, and this first phase is based on the emotional impact of the loss, which we don’t really believe.

2. Anger, rage or indifference

We have to keep in mind that we do not all react in the same way. There are those who will be outraged and full of anger, angry with themselves, with others and with providence.

However, there are those who are silent, who cannot cry or who avoid “talking” about it.

3. Stages of acceptance of the death of those who left too early: negotiation

At this point we are assuming some things. This accident, this disease… It happened and there is no point in getting angry with the world.

Now we agree to talk to other people, we see how the days go by and indeed that person is no longer with us.

4. Pain

Here the pain appears in all its harshness and as such we have to express it, experience it, scream it and air it out as much as we need to. Don’t let anyone tell you “don’t cry” because you need it and we need to channel the emotions.

5. Acceptance of the death of loved ones

Believe it or not, acceptance is coming. We come to terms with loss and emptiness and although we know that life will never be the same, it must continue its cycle and we will continue our journey without forgetting.

Because our loved ones are still in our memories, they will no doubt be happy to know that we have opened our eyes to the world again. And that we have given ourselves the opportunity to be happy. Yes, it is possible to overcome those who are gone.

Preserve the memory of those who left too early.

The keys to staying strong and preserving good memories

Keep in mind that if the grieving process has been going on for more than 6 months and we are still in a state of sadness where we have lost our autonomy in our daily life, we should seek professional help. It is important.

Daily life, as well as routine, family and friends, will be your best support.

Gradually it will hurt a little less, and you shouldn’t feel guilty at all. Because the memory of that person will always live with you. It is part of you, of your essence, of your being, and of every breath you take.

It doesn’t matter if you smile again. Because he or she will be in each of your smiles rejoicing that you find a little of your joy. Don’t obsess over the last few days, remembering the illness, the accident, the time when you were out of control.

Every day you have to make an effort to recall the good times you have had. The love you received. Kind and sincere words… Focus on positive emotions so that you can overcome and lovingly remember those who are gone.

Life is a journey where every moment counts. What you experienced in the past marks who you are now. So that this person is one more piece of your vital essence. You carry it with you and always will. Live again with fullness and hope. Because all this love lived also marks who you are now.

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