Tips To Eat Less While Being Full

If you are not full after a meal, and you have the irresistible urge to eat something sweet, favor an infusion or a fruit like apple or pear.

Many people tend to gain weight even if they eat healthy foods because they don’t know or can’t control the amount of food they eat. Indeed, do you know how to eat less?

If we get used to eating smaller amounts, and stopping eating when we are full, we can stabilize our weight and even lose a few pounds naturally.

In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to eat less, and how to get used to stopping eating when you’re no longer hungry, no matter if you are anxious, greedy, or fussy.

At table

Here are some simple tips that will help you control how much food you need to eat:

  • Eat several meals a day, so as not to be too hungry when it’s time to eat. Have breakfast, lunch, a snack, and dinner.
  • Always eat seated, and without hurrying. Also avoid eating at your workplace.
  • Avoid talking too much or doing anything else while eating, such as watching TV or having important discussions.
  • If you are upset or sad, wait a bit before you eat.
  • Put the exact amount you want to eat on your plate. If you have any food left over, place it directly in the fridge so you won’t be tempted to finish everything right away.
  • Avoid snacking, instead prefer to eat on plates where you can see how much you are consuming.

Foods rich in fiber

Fiber is a nutrient found in a multitude of foods that makes it easier to feel full, leaving us full without overeating.

It is important to follow a complete and balanced diet, which is why your daily meals should contain the following foods:

  • Fruits:  preferably very ripe, such as apples, plums, peaches, apricots, melon, etc.
  • Plants and vegetables:  such as cabbage, beetroot, chard, carrot, etc.
  • Whole grains:  like rice, wheat, quinoa, millet, etc.
  • Dried vegetables  cooked and sprouted.
  • Dried fruits:  like nuts or hazelnuts.
  • Dried fruits: like plums, raisins, apricots.
  • Mushrooms
  • Algae

eat less to be full


Among the foods we have mentioned above, we would like to highlight algae which are healthy foods that bring a great feeling of fullness.

Algae contain mucilages, which have the property of filling with water, of absorbing it, and consequently of increasing their volume to provide a feeling of satiety.

We particularly recommend the following algae:

  • Agar-agar
  • Wrack
  • Spirulina
  • Kelp
  • Wakame
  • Kombu
  • Sea spaghetti

You can consume these seaweed in the form of natural supplements, or in recipes (soups, rice, pasta, stew).

seaweed to eat less

Drink water before meals

Here is a great way to avoid being too hungry at mealtimes, and therefore, overeating. You only need to drink one or two glasses of water half an hour before the meal.

We recommend that you always drink water between meals and shortly beforehand in order to eat less and more slowly.

You can also consume a fruit before a meal, as its water and fiber content will produce a similar effect. In addition, it is healthier and easier to digest a fruit when it is ingested before meals rather than as a dessert.

For dessert: a digestive infusion

Dessert is usually the time when we lose control! Yet our body has already received everything it needs, and many times we are already full. In addition, we often choose heavy desserts, hard to digest, and which make us fat.

Psychologically, we want to eat something sweet to finish the meal. A good alternative is to opt for a digestive infusion or even a coffee. If you don’t feel full because you haven’t eaten much, you can have an apple or a pear to finish your meal. Here are some recipe ideas with these fruits:

  • Applesauce with raisins
  • Baked apples with cinnamon and honey
  • Pears in wine or must
  • A pear carpaccio accompanied by grilled almonds cut into pieces

Images courtesy of tzejen, David Robert Wright y hedonistin

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