Thinking That You Are Better Than Anyone Makes You Better Than Many

You have to know that life is not a competition with others. At worst, it’s a competition with yourself, to get the best version of yourself.

Learning to be better is a topic that many books and personal development techniques cover. 

For this, they guide us to practice self-knowledge and inner attention and help strengthen self-esteem.

You have to know that being a better person does not have to make us believe that we have to be better than others. We will always be neither more nor less than ourselves.

We are sure that you know someone who, by their attitude, behavior and way of forging relationships, shows that they just feel better than others.

You have to think about this.

When not needing to be better than others makes us better than most

Today, experts speak of a trend they call “spiritual materialism”. It’s about this current interest in self-knowledge.

It is a subject that leads many people to distance themselves from others.

In this search for listening to oneself, for self-esteem and for self-improvement, there are people who confuse the concepts and approach them in a wrong way: they aspire to be better than everyone else. world.

It is therefore necessary to approach this idea in a suitable way. We can develop new strategies to strengthen our self-esteem, to enrich our relationships and achieve better successes, but never with the idea of ​​surpassing others.

Trust and want to be better.

The humiliating personality

Who practices pride, who needs to be in competition and to show superiority, hides in him low self-esteem.

The pleasure of showing “superiority”, showing better skills and even humiliating the rest with this almighty attitude serves to boost self-esteem which is often very low.

In our social circle, at work, among our friends and relatives, there is always the classic person who uses irony to ridicule the rest, and thus highlight his best abilities.

Likewise, this also happens with the reverse phenomenon. Sometimes you can be confronted with people who like to represent themselves as victims.

These are the ones who “suffer the most”, and those who understand best what rejection is. The fact of feeling put aside and little valued.

Basically, it’s the other side of the coin. Low self-esteem for confronting others often turns  into humiliation.

The humility of not wanting to be better than others

No one has to need that thirst for competition or personal superiority to feel better. Because it causes suffering and humiliation in others.

  • The greatest pleasure is in surpassing yourself. And in being a better person every day. By taking their own needs as references, and never the weaknesses of others.
  • If yesterday, we felt insecure of ourselves, if we did not have confidence in our abilities to access this or that job or to forge links with a person who attracts us. And that today we have succeeded is that we have succeeded in “being better”.
  • This is where our greatness lies: to succeed in growing and improving every day. Because who lives obsessed with competition and challenge forgets himself.
  • Who seeks to be better than everyone else is not humble. Humility is the aspiration that we should all know how to apply on a daily basis in each of our businesses and our behaviors.
  • Humility is the best of fortresses. It allows us first of all to gain a good knowledge of ourselves and then to accept ourselves.

Getting better every day as a person

Not to be better.

Once we accept ourselves,  our biggest challenge will be to continue to grow and be better. To aspire to this happiness of the little things that enrich us so much. 

Plus, being better has an impact on the people around us.

In conclusion, we know that if we have to get used to anything, it is these people whose hearts are filled with vanity and pride.

But, instead of getting angry and increasing that anger or contempt, we have to think that it’s not worth cultivating negative emotions.

  • The ideal is to accept them as they are. To mark limits and move away. Real and genuine success is by no means found in considering yourself better than others, and overflowing with pride.
  • The noblest triumph is in accepting yourself and respecting others. Even if we do not share their beliefs or their behavior.

The rewards always come in the end. With an inner well-being or with the feeling that our thirst for competition has left us a sad and unwanted loneliness.

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