The Little-known Benefits Of Cinnamon

In addition to being a powerful anti-inflammatory that helps us calm muscle pain and contractures, cinnamon has relaxing effects, which is why it is recommended to relieve states of anxiety or irritability.

Cinnamon is a spice that is mainly used for desserts or coffee. Many cultures consider it to be a miracle food. It has the ability to fight against diseases and we are always discovering more and more unknown benefits of cinnamon. Learn more in the following article.

The little-known benefits of cinnamon to discover

Its characteristic aroma and the taste it brings to food make cinnamon one of the most widely used spices in world gastronomy. But, moreover, it is an excellent ingredient for health.

It was recently discovered that cinnamon has the ability to lower blood sugar levels and also protects against dyslipidemia. Other benefits of this great flavoring are, for example, to promote good digestion, to relieve intestinal discomfort, flatulence and abdominal distension.

This is one of the spices that contains huge amounts of antioxidants. Thanks to its phenolic components, also present in grapes and red wine. In its composition, we can also retain the flavonoids, which appear in large quantities as in blueberries.

If you consume cinnamon oil, you can reduce the growth of yeast infection. Since it is a powerful antibacterial. This alternative is widely used in the cosmetics industry.

In addition, cinnamon contains vitamins B1 and C, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. These are essential nutrients for our health. It brings us relaxing effects. Because it is a powerful calming agent for states of nervousness, stress, irritability, anxiety or even depression.

The little-known benefits of cinnamon and honey

The anti-inflammatory power of cinnamon is used to calm muscle or joint pain. Like, for example, rheumatoid arthritis or contractures due to poor posture.

It has also been shown to relieve coughs, colds and congestion. It reduces the levels of glucose and fat in the blood. It is therefore ideal for people suffering from diabetes or cholesterol.

Little-known benefits of cinnamon for the digestive system

It has antiemetic properties, that is, against vomiting. It also helps to open the appetite and is a powerful anti-diarrhea.

Women can also benefit from cinnamon for relieving period pain and promoting peripheral circulation.

You should know that for those who want to get pregnant, it is not recommended to consume cinnamon. Because it can have contraceptive effects. For those who are already pregnant, it is better not to eat it because it can cause abortions.

One of the little-known benefits of cinnamon is that it relieves pain when we burn our tongue.  Just suck on a cinnamon stick.

How to benefit from cinnamon?

When you go to buy cinnamon, you can choose it in sticks or powder. In any case, it will need to be taken care of, putting it in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. It is best to store it in a dark, cool and dry place.

Cinnamon sticks stay fresh for a year and powdered cinnamon for six months. You can extend its shelf life by putting it in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. To check that it is fresh, smell it. It must have a sweet smell.

Your best bet is to buy organic cinnamon, which is grown in pesticides or unhealthy products.

To be able to enjoy all the benefits of cinnamon, it is recommended to consume between 1 and 6 grams per day. To get an idea of ​​the quantity, a teaspoon of ground cinnamon corresponds to 4 grams.

You can use it for many preparations, sprinkled on food, raw, combined with other food. Cinnamon is best taken with hot dishes or drinks. Because with cold drinks it can be a little difficult to digest.

One of the best options for consuming cinnamon is to put it in herbal teas, such as tea or coffee. It works very well when you have a cold or have the flu. A spoonful per cup of green tea is sufficient. For coffee, you can put a teaspoon and a half in it, before adding hot water.

And it’s also delicious in soups, especially those with lentils or black beans. It gives a warm effect and an exotic taste.

You can also use cinnamon as a digestive after meals.

This is very good for people who suffer from stomach acidity or heaviness and especially, during heavy meals (especially when the end of the year holidays arrive). Having cinnamon tea before going to bed will keep you from feeling overloaded with food.

The unknown benefits of cinnamon: for digestion

There are still many other ways to reap the benefits of cinnamon. One study indicated that smelling this spice stimulates brain function and increases cognitive processes.

Some people also choose to chew on a cinnamon stick for the same effects. Perfect for getting to an exam or studying all night.

Some people use cinnamon oil or beauty products that contain it. And to finish with the little-known benefits of cinnamon, here is a very popular use. Sprinkle ground cinnamon over desserts with whipped cream or cream.

All desserts can benefit from this tasty taste while imparting the virtues of this sweet spice.

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