The Importance Of Remembering Your Dreams

Recurring dreams are sometimes a sign of an internal conflict that is bothering us. The different characters who intervene in these dreams represent an aspect of our personality, both positive and negative.

Do you know that dreams give you information about yourself that can be useful in your daily life?

The recurring dreams, the people who appear in your dreams, and their symbolism, are very important elements in your life.

Below we will tell you what types of dreams you can have, and how to remember them better.

We will also give you the fundamental keys to be able to interpret them.

Learn from our dreams

Dreams are a means by which our subconscious brings out internal conflicts that are present in our mind.

This can concern big questions that will mark us for a long time, but also small daily questions that we have left unanswered.

Not all dreams are created equal. Indeed, some are very light, and we remember very little of them, while others can impress us so much that we will remember them for years to come.

They appeared to us quite real while we were sleeping,

Usually, the elements that make them up are questions that we have repressed in one way or another.

It is therefore very important to be aware of them, to remember them well and to interpret them correctly.


A personal process

Whoever decides to immerse himself in the world of dreams has a lot to gain, but will have to walk a difficult path.

The subconscious brings up inner questions that we do not necessarily want to face so clearly.

Nightmares feed on our own fears and frustrations, and allow us to see clearly where our weak points are.

But who likes to see their own vulnerability?

It is therefore a personal process which requires courage, but which can lead to significant personal fulfillment. The game is worth the candle !

How to remember your dreams

Before trying to interpret them, we must learn to remember them when we wake up. Here are some tips to achieve this:

  • Before going to bed, devote yourself to some relaxing activity that doesn’t engage your mind too much. You can read a dream book, meditate, stretch, take a bath, etc.
  • Just before you fall asleep, focus intensely on yourself and your breathing. You can gradually release the parts of your body that you feel tense.
  • If you have to go to work the next day, use a rather discreet alarm clock, which allows you to wake up little by little, without moving too much. After a few minutes, set a louder alarm.
  • Keep a small book by your bed to write down your dreams as soon as you get up.

What you need to write down from your dreams

It is very important to describe them in as much detail as possible. You can give them a title, and describe the emotions you felt.

Take note of all the characters, places and symbols that appeared during your dreams.

How to interpret dreams

The key to interpreting them is to understand that everything that happens as they unfold comes from your mind.

The different characters present, besides being people you may know, are representations of a part of you, in a positive or negative way.

Spend a part of your day trying to understand their symbolism.

There are many websites that can help you decipher the meaning of numbers, colors, animals, etc.

You can also share them with your loved ones.

They might help you decipher personal issues that you have a hard time realizing.

Recurring dreams

You should give the greatest importance to dreams that repeat regularly.

They are the demonstration that an internal conflict is not yet settled in your mind.

Some themes are repeated very frequently in many people, for example:

  • Situations of persecution or violence.
  • On embarrassing situations, which make us ashamed.
  • Inherent in stressful situations, where we try to take a train or any other means of transport, without succeeding.


Face your dreams

In cases where we experience a situation repeatedly, we have to struggle to understand the real meaning of this dream.

We need to realize, in our minds, that we have to face the person who is persecuting us, overcome the embarrassing situation, or fight against the person who is abusing us.

It is then possible that, while we are writing about one of them, we feel this will to overcome the situation, which can greatly help us for the next time we do the same.

Images by Rigmarole, surfzone, Relaxing Music and Torbein Rønning.

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