The 8 Foods To Eliminate From Your Diet To Avoid Phlegm

Dairy products and foods of animal origin are rich in fats and proteins which can promote the accumulation of phlegm in the throat and in the respiratory tract.

Phlegm is a viscous secretion that covers the limbs of the body and contains antiseptic and immunoglobulin enzymes.

In our respiratory system, the mucus is responsible for catching the small particles, like bacteria and dust, which try to enter the nose, and go to the rest of our body.

By acting as a protector of the lungs, mucus tends to grow in the airways when we are suffering from some type of infection. As is the case with the flu, colds, and allergies.

Excess mucus is a very annoying symptom that can make us sick and fragile.

If we do not give it the right treatment, it can appear in different areas of our body such as the nose, chest, ears and throat.

This symptom is a defense mechanism against viruses and bacteria that affect the respiratory system.

This is why it is very important to treat the problem that generates phlegm, so that the body stops producing excessively.

When we suffer from excess phlegm, we can avoid certain foods that can increase their production.

In this article, we are going to share with you the list of these foods, so that you avoid accumulating phlegm that can indicate an infection or an allergy.

Dairy products

Dairy products are at the top of the list of foods that increase phlegm.

While there are a lot of myths surrounding these foods, the fact is that dairy products produce en masse phlegm, which leads to breathing problems and irritation in the throat.

The products to avoid are:

  • Cow’s milk
  • Yogurt and cheese
  • Ice creams that contain milk
  • The fresh cream
  • Condensed milk

Animal products

Red meats and eggs can also influence the increase in phlegm and phlegm.

These foods contain a high degree of protein and can cause phlegm to build up in the throat and airways.

Fats and oils of animal origin

The majority of diets include large amounts of fats and oils of animal origin such as, for example, butter and omega-6 fatty acids.

To deal with this problem, it is very important to avoid animal fats and opt for healthy fats like olive oil and foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Certain varieties of fruits and vegetables

We know that fruits and vegetables occupy an important place in our diet and we must consume them daily to benefit from all their virtues.

However, a study by the University of Maryland Medical Center (USA) concluded that when one suffers from phlegm, certain fruits and vegetables are not recommended.

Here are a few :

  • The banana
  • Potato
  • The corn
  • The cabbage

Wheat against phlegm

Many nutrition experts claim that wheat is a food that increases the production of phlegm.

It contains so many components that it is difficult to know which of them is causing this excess phlegm.

Although there is a lack of research to confirm these claims, it is advisable to avoid their consumption. To reduce phlegm and congestion.

Drinks that lead to dehydration

When we have a respiratory infection, it is important to increase our intake of water and moisturizers to deal with this problem.

Some people might find drinking soda or sugary drinks a good option for hydrating the body.

However, refreshing drinks contain high amounts of sugars and other components that only dehydrate the body.

According to a study from the University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio (USA), dehydration could cause more phlegm, and thicker.

Nuts and peanuts

Dried fruits can increase the production of phlegm and mucus in people with intolerance and who are highly allergenic.

Refined foods

Refined foods like sugar and flour are difficult to digest and can make congestion problems worse.

Thus, people who suffer from gluten intolerance should avoid these foods. Because in addition to suffering from digestive problems, they can accumulate phlegm and mucus in their body.

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