The 7 Foods Against Diabetes

If there is a history of diabetes in your family, or if certain eating habits predispose you to this disease, know that there are foods that you absolutely must integrate into your diet. We will share all of that with you in this article.

In recent years, cases of type II diabetes have become more frequent. What is most worrying is that the age at which this disease occurs has gone from sixty to forty years on average, in just ten years!  It is for this reason that it is very important to know the foods that allow us to prevent diabetes.

First of all, you should know that the foods we are going to talk about do not give the expected results if they are not combined with other healthy foods that we must include in our daily diet.

It is also important to have a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity. This will allow us to keep a stable body weight.

Foods that help keep diabetes under control – or better yet not have it – include:

Turmeric for diabetes

Its effectiveness in preventing type II diabetes has not been fully demonstrated. However, some studies have given convincing results against this disease.

As a point of reference, we take into account a study carried out on a group of 240 patients. Thus, they all had a high risk of developing diabetes, without having excessively high blood sugar levels.

These patients were divided into two groups. One of the two groups was given turmeric extract, a spice containing a substance called curcumin which has the ability to prevent diabetes. The other group only consumed a placebo.

Once the experiment was over, the researchers could see that the patients treated with turmeric did not develop diabetes. Most of the other patients ended up having it.


Cinnamon against diabetes

Cinnamon has the property of stabilizing the level of glucose in the blood. To consume it, it is recommended to add it to all kinds of dishes, drinks and refreshments, which also gives them a delicious taste.

Adding cinnamon to baked apples makes an excellent dessert; likewise, chocolate and coffee will be tastier and healthier thanks to it. Try !


It’s a tasty drink that helps us relax and keep us awake. In addition, it can also be very useful in preventing the onset of type II diabetes. Studies have in fact been carried out by the University of California, Los Angeles.

During the course of these studies, it was discovered that the (controlled) consumption of coffee increases the proportion in the blood of a protein called SHBG. This is able to avoid the risk of suffering from diabetes.

Lingonberries and apples


Eating several servings of these fruits each week can help to avoid the risk of developing diabetes. This is because they contain large amounts of anthocyanins, substances that can prevent this disease.

Dark chocolate for diabetes

Recent studies show that people who consume dark chocolate on a regular basis have a lower risk of developing type II diabetes. In addition, they are less exposed to cardiovascular disease.


basket of nuts

Regular consumption of nuts and dried fruits is fundamental to protect the body from diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

In order to get the full benefits of these foods, you need to eat at least a handful every day!

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