Thalassotherapy: Uses, Types And Benefits

Thalassotherapy is a technique which is based on elements of the marine world (sea water, algae, sand, mud) to improve the health of people. Its effectiveness has been proven and recommended.

Thalassotherapy consists of  the therapeutic use of sea water and other elements of the marine world,  such as algae, sand, mud or even the breeze. The word comes from the union of the Greek term  thalassa , which means “sea” and  therapia , which means “cure”.

Its origins date back to ancient Greece, in the writings of Hippocrates, who recommended the use of sea water to relieve certain ailments. After that, under the Roman Empire, soldiers used hot seawater baths to recover after battles.

This therapeutic technique then spread in Europe and especially in Italy, England and France. At the beginning of the 20th century, we were able to study its usefulness  and the first official thalassotherapy center was established at the Institut Marin Rochroum, in France.

Uses of thalassotherapy

The basic principle of thalassotherapy is that repeated immersion in lukewarm sea water and the application of sea mud and algae  contribute to the body’s natural chemical balance. This is due to the fact that the skin absorbs the minerals it needs (magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium and iodine).

On the other hand, it is believed that seawater has substances similar to blood plasma. In marine liquid, there is a greater amount of sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium and other elements. This similarity would promote the absorption of substances throughout the body, as a way to maintain homeostasis.

To ensure the success of this technique,  it is important that the place has the necessary hygiene measures  and specialized staff. For this, the water used must be taken far from the shore, be purified and sterilized.

Indications for thalassotherapy

Thalassotherapy is recommended to treat a series of ailments, among which we can highlight  bodily pain, skin diseases such as psoriasis, rheumatism  and osteoporosis, tendonitis and low back pain.

It is also recommended for circulation problems, such as bruises, varicose veins and recurring nosebleeds. It is also valid in the event of emotional affections linked to stress and depression.

However, this therapeutic technique  is not recommended in cases of cancer,  severe hypertension, feverish frames and psychosis.

Back pain.

Types of thalassotherapy

Thalassotherapy includes a series of therapeutic techniques that  take advantage of the properties of marine elements to improve health  and physical appearance. The forms of application are varied: here they are.

Hydrotherapy with sea water

It includes hot or cold water baths (37 ° C), hydromassages, affusion aerosols and underwater showers. These techniques aim to relax the body, stimulate circulation, relieve problems with the respiratory system and improve muscle tone.


It consists of  the use of fresh or dried seaweed. They are generally integrated in hot seawater baths or applied to the skin, like thin envelopes.

Seaweed is rich in minerals and protein. They have a revitalizing, antioxidant and disinfectant action. In addition, they help tone muscles, drain fluids and are useful in the treatment of skin problems.

Marine climatotherapy

It takes advantage of the properties of the marine world, rich in iodine, ozone and minerals. It would help the respiratory system and the skin. In addition, the sea air has relaxing effects to calm and improve mood disorders.


It consists  of performing therapeutic exercises in seawater,  and more particularly in a swimming pool designed for this. It is generally oriented towards the treatment of physical pain.


It consists of covering the body with hot sand. The aim is to relieve joint or muscle ailments by providing heat to the affected area of ​​the body. In addition, the trace elements and sea salts in the sand are good for the muscle and skeletal structure.


In this case, peloids are used, such as sea mud, algae, clay and limestone. These are elements rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins.

They are generally applied to treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteoarthritis) or the skin (acne, psoriasis, dermatitis).

Main benefits of thalassotherapy

Until then, we have studied the properties and forms of thalassotherapy. But what does the scientific evidence say about its benefits?

It relieves fatigue, stiffness and muscle pain

Evidence suggests that thalassotherapy  has a positive effect on fatigue and recovery from muscle pain. It would help improve the health and quality of life of those who suffer from these conditions.

Aerobic exercise in seawater has also been shown to provide more benefit than other modalities. They allow an improvement of the emotional state of the patients.

It promotes circulation

Seawater therapy improves blood circulation,  which helps relieve muscle spasms and restore oxygen and nutrients to the body.

A study has been able to demonstrate that the algae used in thalassotherapy improve circulation when they are applied in the form of cosmetic products.

It relieves joint pain

Another benefit is the relief of joint pain and increased joint movement. Evidence indicates that aquatic treatment, including thalassotherapy, improves the function of the unions between the bones. It also increases relaxation and helps to have a positive mood.

Green algae.

It improves skin conditions

Thalassotherapy also helps relieve a number of skin conditions. Minerals and trace elements present in the marine environment provide the substances necessary to  calm skin irritation (in cases of psoriasis and dermatitis) or accelerate the healing of wounds.

It stimulates emotional processes

Evidence shows us that thalassotherapy, combined with sleep management techniques, reduces daytime sleepiness,  improves mood and cognitive function, decreases levels of anger, stress and depression. At night, it increases the quality of sleep and relieves anxiety.

Consult a professional before undergoing thalassotherapy

If you have a condition and want to apply this therapeutic technique, it  is best to consult a specialist first. He will be able to guide you and give you the appropriate indications according to your case.

Remember that there are contraindications. In addition, be sure to go to specialized centers that guarantee hygiene and good procedures.

However, if you have a serious condition and want to benefit from the marine environment, just go to the sea, breathe the breeze and relax. In these cases, remember to use a good sunscreen.

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