Symptoms Of A Stomach Ulcer

Your body needs balance both emotionally and physically. Even if you find it hard to believe it, stress is one of the most common causes of stomach ulcers.

A diet that is too acidic, an incorrect diet, and factors like stress or anxiety can cause symptoms of a stomach ulcer. A fairly frequent reality in our society, due to bad lifestyles that are worth knowing. Are you coming with us?

Recognize the symptoms of a stomach ulcer

It is true that we do not always notice everything that is going on in our body. Daily pressure and professional and family obligations make us take a back seat to what is happening inside our body.

We eat badly and at full speed, we let stress take over our life without having quiet moments, during which we can enjoy what we love.

Our body needs an emotional and physical balance, in which we always provide it with the nutrients essential for its functioning.

Did you know that, for example, our digestive system is the one that suffers the most from stress and anxiety ? It is often called the “second brain”, and this is precisely why it is often affected and damaged by diseases, ulcers of which are the most common manifestation of injuries in our daily lives that affect our body.

We are going to see the main symptoms of a stomach ulcer.

symptoms of a stomach ulcer, pay attention to diet

1. Abdominal pain

These pains are concentrated in the abdomen and in the areas of the breastbone, and the navel. They can be quite short, and of varying intensity. Do you know when the pain is greatest? When the stomach is empty, just between meals. You may then feel a sharp pain, similar to a burning.

It is true that an antacid medication can help you, but it is very characteristic to experience inflammation when you are hungry, or when you go to bed.

2. The small symptoms that form the stomach ulcer

Sometimes it is possible to suffer from one or two of the symptoms that we are going to present to you, but these sensations are mild and may go away over time.

However, they can also become regular and more intense, and then you need to be alert and observe what is going on in your body.

  • Have a lot of gas and belching.
  • Have loss of appetite and general weight loss.
  • Being quickly full during meals, and having difficulty drinking fluids. Even drinking a whole glass of water is difficult and tires you out.
  • Exhaustion and daily fatigue.
  • Sensation of nausea in the morning and feeling of ill-being.

3. Symptoms of a severe ulcer

In some cases, the presence of specific symptoms indicates a very serious case of ulcer. These symptoms should alert you and convince you to consult your doctor immediately. Take note:

  • Dark stools, with traces of blood.
  • Daily urges to vomit, persistent nausea which usually results in vomit containing blood.

Dietary advice to treat symptoms of a stomach ulcer


First of all, it is important to take into account that all foods can be harmful. Whether directly or indirectly, certain ingredients, such as salt, are capable of causing you problems such as high blood pressure or inflammation, which in some way affect the ulcer you are suffering from. .

In addition to the treatment your doctor will prescribe, take these tips into account.

Foods not recommended

  • Avoid sugar and salt.
  • Sweet foods are also harmful, like chocolate, candy, etc.
  • Replace your white flour with wholemeal flour.
  • Limit or eliminate your consumption of sugary drinks, including fruit juice in bricks. Because they have few vitamins, and a lot of sugar.
  • Limit your coffee intake and don’t drink alcohol.
  • Dairy products are not recommended.
  • Avoid organ meats like kidneys, heart, etc.
  • Cold meats and other cured meats are also not recommended because they would quickly worsen your condition.

Recommended foods

Products that have alkalizing properties such as artichokes, spinach, leeks, squash, cabbage, celery, endives, mushrooms, green salad, cauliflower and red cabbage are recommended. Many spices like oregano are also very good.

Keep in mind that herbal teas like mint, lemon balm, licorice, thyme or gentian can also help.  You can drink it up to twice a day, after your meals. Be careful that they are not too hot, so that they do not cause you too much pain.

Do not hesitate to add a little lemon to them either, because it will give you great protection. And don’t overlook the symptoms of a stomach ulcer that we’ve described in this article.

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