Star Baby And Rainbow Baby Mark Different Motherhood

Both terms refer to different types of motherhood which are quite difficult to live with but nonetheless help the mother to be stronger .

Star baby and rainbow baby are terms that fit into a different motherhood  as these mothers have had sad and happy times. For the loss of a baby and the arrival of another, to bring light and color to their lives.

One baby does not replace another,  they complement each other to create changes in the mother that will help her grow stronger every day. Star Baby and Rainbow Baby are new concepts and acceptance of these terms will transform and change their parents.

Baby star

The star baby is the one that forms inside its mother but cannot reach maturity and is born lifeless. Although he was denied life at birth, he nonetheless existed and was loved by his parents. In fact, he will always continue to shine like a shooting star in the sky, in the memory of those close to him.

These babies did not get to know the world, nor to feel their mother’s hugs. However, they filled their mother with love, and she will carry them in her heart throughout her life. It’s a star baby that will turn into a rainbow baby later.

baby star

On the other hand, many mothers continually reflect on what they went through when they heard the terrible news that the baby was no longer alive while still in their womb.

When this duel begins, reason is forgotten, and the mother just feels sick to her heart. After some time, the duel becomes a source of inspiration.

For this reason, the path to honor the life which took shape in the womb for several months is undertaken. They observe in the sky the shooting star that the baby has become.

And so, the wounds from within are healed, little by little. Although they never make a full recovery, they learn to live and move on,  as motherhood gives women the ability to love endlessly.

The Rainbow Baby

The rainbow baby is the one who arrives after miscarriage,  fetal death, or neonatal death. It becomes a rainbow full of hopes for a wonderful event after a hard loss.

When the mother has the power to turn pain into a positive thing, the rainbow baby can happen. The beginning of a new illusion and a new love. Without a doubt, both will hold an important place in his heart for life.

Star baby and rainbow baby, a different motherhood

The desire of women is to have a healthy pregnancy that presents a happy ending. However, there are different maternities.

We are talking about the one where the mother has two children, a little star and a rainbow.  This motherhood is not chosen, it is imposed on the mother. It is different because it changes design patterns.

rainbow baby

Currently, discharge during pregnancy is a taboo subject, and mothers who suffer from it are silent. As soon as the rainbow baby arrives in their life, it undoubtedly brings strength, a strength that the mother needs at this time to move forward.

Questions present in mothers of a star baby and a rainbow baby

When the mother becomes pregnant again  after a loss, anguish invades her and questions,  worries and fear  begin.

Common questions like:  Will I get another little star? Is my body ready to take it to the world? Am I ready to become a mother again? When will the risk of abortion decrease?  After a loss, the questions are rushed.

After the twelfth week, the risk of miscarriage begins to decrease. Parents can relax and start enjoying the rainbow baby. This baby will help to find strength and renew the hope of the mother, who has a little star.

Some factors that affect gestational losses


  • Congenital or lethal genetic defect
  • Chronic or acute infection
  • Intrauterine growth retardation


  • Knotted umbilical cord
  • The abrupt placenta ( detachment)
  • Serious aging of the placenta
  • Premature rupture of the membrane


  • Prolonged pregnancy: when it exceeds 42 weeks
  • Chronic diseases of the mother
  • Preeclampsia and eclampsia
  • Infections during pregnancy

All of these factors can be determined with appropriate control. However, you can’t blame anyone if you have to go through a different motherhood.

Finally, it  is important to mention that at present this type of maternity is recognized. A lot of women keep silent, because a lot of men don’t understand this feeling. We hope that this article is a contribution that will allow this topic to continue to be disseminated.

In this way, it concerns all the people who have had a star baby. Those who have not yet had children or just don’t have a different motherhood and can understand those who experience this type of motherhood.


When you ask a mother how many children does she have and she tells you two, but you only see one, it’s because there is a little star in her heart. .

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