Speeding Up Your Metabolism To Lose Weight Easier

While staying active is important to speed up your metabolism, getting enough rest at night, for about eight hours, is also important for you. our biological clock does not go out of order.

Surely you’ve heard of metabolism before, but maybe you still don’t know what it is exactly.

Metabolism is a collection of physical and chemical processes in our body related to energy expenditure and other functions such as digestion, respiration, temperature or circulation.

We will explain below why speeding up your metabolism can help you lose weight more easily, as  well as how to achieve it with simple, natural remedies.

Metabolism and weight loss

The basal metabolism is the one that regulates the burning of calories in our body. Also, when it isn’t working properly, it can make us gain or lose weight more easily, regardless of what we eat.

This explains why some people gain weight even though they eat very little while others stay slim even when eating large amounts of food.

However, there are natural remedies and tips that can help us balance the metabolism without affecting the rest of our body functions. This will therefore have repercussions on our weight, our temperature, our digestion, etc.

In addition, it will help us prevent metabolic diseases like thyroid disorders or diabetes.

How to speed up the metabolism?

1. Drink water
This simple habit is a great metabolism booster.  All the doctors recommend it to us, even if it is sometimes difficult to respect.

  • Drinking small sips repeatedly throughout the day, from getting up, on an empty stomach, until bedtime, will keep our body with a stable metabolism.
  • Plus, it will help us flush out toxins and prevent fluid buildup.

If it is difficult for us to drink water, we can add a little lemon juice and a few drops of stevia to it.  Drink it cold or hot, according to our tastes. Keep your water bottle nearby so you don’t forget.

2. Fight sedentarism

The worst enemy of our metabolism is sedentarism. Indeed, it submerges our body in a continuous passivity. Work in the office or the hours that we spend in front of the television or the computer aggravate this situation.

  • Try to get up from your chair every 30 or 40 minutes for a few minutes. Then do some stretching or a few runs.
  • Even if it seems insignificant, it will have a positive impact on our metabolism and on our health in general.
  • We also need to do moderate to high intensity sports two to three times a week.

3. Get enough sleep

While we need to stay active and moving during the day, at night it is time to go to bed. Night rest, in addition to being sufficient, must be of good quality.

Our organism follows biological rhythms, defined by the light of the day and from the sunset, you must start to lower the rhythm in order, at sunrise, to reactivate yourself.

  • If you suffer from insomnia or wake up tired in the morning, you should practice relaxation or meditation exercises at least an hour before bed.
  • Try to stay away from any type of electronic device, as they interfere with our nervous system and make it difficult for us to rest at night.

4. Eat several times a day

Many nutritionists recommend eating smaller amounts but several times a day. Although this recommendation may not be suitable for everyone, people with a slow basal metabolic rate can benefit from this advice.

  • Eat 5 meals a day, with nutritious and filling foods, but without filling your stomach too much.
  • These meals, along with the water you will drink on an empty stomach, will keep our metabolism constant throughout the day.

5. Season with
spices Culinary spices are excellent natural metabolism activators, in addition to having many other properties. We recommend that you consume the following daily:

  • Cayenne pepper: one of the best remedies to stimulate the body, it promotes the production of gastric juices, body heat and the burning of calories.

You should start consuming cayenne pepper little by little to prevent it from irritating the digestive system. Start with a pinch and gradually increase the amount.

  • Ginger: stimulating, digestive and diuretic, it is ideal for seasoning meat, fish and desserts as well as juices and lemonades.
  • Cinnamon: the most medicinal variety is Ceylon cinnamon. It is stimulating, digestive, aphrodisiac and it improves digestion.

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