Sodium Caseinate: What Is It For?

Sodium caseinate is a compound derived from milk protein. Do you know what are its properties and what it is used for? We will detail it for you in this space.

You may have already heard of sodium caseinate, a substance derived from the protein in dairy products. But do you know what it is and what it is for? Find out more about it in this space.

This substance comes from casein and therefore has great biological value. Its use is popular as a nutritional supplement and in the food industry because it has properties capable of modifying and giving texture to different products.

What is sodium caseinate?

Casein is the main protein in cow’s milk  because it represents 80% of the total. To obtain sodium caseinate, it must therefore be extracted chemically.

In general,  this process is carried out by adding specialized enzymes or through substances such as vinegar and lemon juice. The goal is to decrease acidity and form rennet. Thus, from the separation of the liquid, sodium hydroxide is applied to obtain this salt.

What are its properties?

Sodium caseinate contains approximately 90% of its weight in protein. In addition, this product contains all the essential amino acids, which gives it great biological value and nutritional qualities. It stands out for its functional properties because  it has the ability to retain water, form gels, emulsify fats and stabilize substances.

Milk in a glass bottle.

What is sodium caseinate used for?

Due to its characteristics, and especially its potential to form stable emulsions, it is used in the food industry to develop products which require the presence of fats, as is the case with desserts. This salt is also an interesting alternative to produce healthy foods.

It can be used in a variety of foods, such as cheese flavored sandwiches, margarine, granola bars, processed meats, chocolate, coffee cream, ice cream, sandwich bread and protein powder .

In addition,  salt is considered an anti-catabolic product, that is to say, which prevents muscle degradation. It can be used during periods of fasting, during nighttime rest, to reduce muscle loss or during calorie restriction stages.

Its contribution is therefore excellent in physically active people, who follow a diet or seek muscle definition. Sodium caseinate helps regenerate muscle fibers and generate satiety.

Although it is usually added to foods, it is also used to alter the texture and chemical stability of a variety of products, such as pharmaceutical drugs, makeup, personal care and hygiene products. .

Who shouldn’t eat it?

Although this substance is safe for most people, some should avoid it. Different studies have suggested that  casein is a protein capable of producing an allergy  because it has a significant inflammatory potential.

People allergic to casein

Sometimes the immune system recognizes sodium caseinate as a harmful compound and releases histamine to neutralize it. The allergic response then varies from person to person but can include symptoms such as:

  • Nasal congestion and increased mucus.
  • Itching in the eyes.
  • Stomach pain, cramps and diarrhea.
  • Blisters and rashes.

Kidney affected patients

The casein in the diet promotes reduced kidney function, which in turn increases metabolic acidity. According to a study carried out on mice, those who followed a diet based on this protein and its derivatives developed a gradual decrease in renal filtering.

However, we must keep in mind that, in people who do not have problems with these organs, moderate consumption of casein does not usually cause problems.

A vegan woman.


Since sodium caseinate is derived from cow’s milk, it is not suitable for people who follow a vegan diet or do not consume dairy products. Among the foods in which it is used as an ingredient, we find for example coffee, cheese without dairy product or cereal bars. To be sure and not to have any doubts, it is best to read the nutritional label carefully.

Sodium caseinate: what to remember?

As we have seen, this salt is used in multiple products due to its functional properties. Also,  since it is a compound with great biological value, it can be a beneficial supplement  if you are looking to improve your body composition. Obviously, before using it, you should consult a professional to make sure that you do not have any contraindications.

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