Recipe For Making Greek Yogurt At Home

When making Greek yogurt at home, the most important thing is the fermentation period, so you have to adhere to it if you want to get the desired result.

Many of us like to maintain good shape and pay attention to our daily diet. This is the meaning of the saying “we are what we eat”. In other words, if you eat healthy then you are a person who has healthy habits in many ways. That’s why we want to teach you how to make delicious Greek yogurt at home.

This way you will avoid calories and carbohydrates. In addition, yogurt is a food that can be eaten with a lot of supplements. It can be served as a breakfast, side dish or as a snack.

Currently, yogurt is mainly used in the culinary world as a dessert. But you can use it however you like, it all depends on your taste. And it’s one of the best foods you can eat, fully certified by nutritionists to be essential for a healthy diet.

The preparation of Greek yogurt is based on the fermentation of milk, whether it comes from cow or goat. With over 9% fat, it will have a creamier, denser, and more delicious flavor than regular yogurt.

It is a better alternative to traditional yogurt because the milk fermentation process is less automated. And so it contains a lot more protein and minerals. In short, much healthier and richer than standard yogurt.

Greek yogurt

Although this type of yogurt is commercially available (at a much higher price), some people prefer to make it at home. It’s a more economical and enjoyable way to eat yogurt.

How to make Greek yogurt at home?

The process of fermentation of milk is very important for the preparation of yogurt. Make sure you have a yogurt maker or an airtight pot and place it in a warm place, but without temperature changes.


  • 4 ½ glasses of whole cow’s milk (900 ml)
  • ½ glass of cream (100 ml)
  • ¼ glass of plain yogurt (50 ml)

Preparation with a yogurt maker

  • If you have a yogurt maker at home, it will be much easier for you to prepare this recipe. Just add all the ingredients and let it ferment for at least 8 hours.
  • To finish, just filter the contents of the yogurt maker, put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours, and it’s ready.

Greek yogurt

Traditional preparation

It is extremely easy to prepare Greek yogurt at home in the traditional way as it was done in ancient times. It just takes a little patience, as fermentation takes time. However, we assure you that this is the healthiest way to consume it.

  • To start, put all the ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil.
  • The ideal temperature is around 85 ºC. If you have a kitchen thermometer it would be a good idea to use it. If you don’t have one, you can do it by hand. Put your finger in the milk and if you can hold it for at least 5 seconds, it’s the right temperature.
  • Once it boils, let it cool for about 15 minutes.
  • Then pour the mixture into a container with an airtight lid. Place it in a warm place and let it ferment for 8-10 hours.
  • When the time is up, strain the yogurt. To do this, take a gauze or cloth and filter the contents.
  • You can also let the yogurt strain in the fridge, but the process may take longer.
  • Finally, when you have finished filtering the yogurt, pour it into small jars. The remaining liquid in the yogurt is the whey. You can eat it as well or use it in other recipes.

There you go, you can enjoy a good Greek yogurt at home.


  • The ideal place to ferment yogurt is in the oven. You can preheat it at low temperature, then turn it off and place the yogurt pot in it.
  • If you don’t have a jar with a tight fitting lid, you can just use a bowl. Place a rag on it and seal it with wrapping paper. You also have the option of using a bag.
  • If you want the yogurt to have a firmer texture, use 1 or 2 tablespoons of powdered milk. This will give more thickness to the mixture before fermentation.
  • If you prefer low-fat yogurt, you can use light ingredients, such as skim milk and fat-free plain yogurt.
  • It is much more convenient to work with quantities of 1 liter for each container you want to prepare.
  • If you are using goat’s milk, the fermentation process should take twice as long – 20-24 hours.

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