Purines: All You Need To Know

When we eat foods that are very high in purines, the amount of uric acid increases. If it accumulates, this uric acid can produce different pathologies, such as gout.

Most people are familiar with purines because of their relationship to the pathology of gout. However, few people know the real importance of these molecules and their role in the body. They are among the compounds of the group of basic elements of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

Purines are a type of nitrogenous base, which is what we just called the building block for DNA formation. They are therefore found in our cells and in the food we eat. For example, meat.

In addition, they go through their own cycle of breakdown and elimination in our body. This process is critical, because when they break down they form uric acid. If not removed properly, it can cause gout.

In the group of purines, there are two basic types: adenine and guanine. In this article, we will explain what purines are used for and what their importance is in the body.

What are purines?

As we have already mentioned, purines are a family of molecules. These are chemical compounds that are part of DNA and other molecules such as ribonucleic acid (RNA). Within this family, we find two important ones: adenine and guanine.

Since they are part of DNA, it makes sense that we find them in the normal way in our body. In fact, our body can make them. In addition, some foods like meat and fish are very high in purines.

Purines are involved in many processes of cell metabolism and also in protein synthesis. There are many disorders that alter the normal cycle of these substances. For example, when their elimination is affected, pathologies related to uric acid, such as gout, appear.

However, gout is not the only major disease linked to purines, although it is the most common. Many disorders affect their breakdown and can be more serious than gout.

A man suffering from gout and presenting with purines

What is their relationship with uric acid?

Purines, when broken down in our tissues, give rise to uric acid. This degradation occurs mainly in the liver and the small intestine. The amount of uric acid produced varies depending on different factors.

The most important influence is usually diet. Indeed, food is one of the most important sources of purines. Almost all of the uric acid is excreted in the urine, although some is also excreted in the intestine.

When uric acid is produced in too much quantity or cannot be eliminated properly, it builds up in the body. If this happens, it is deposited in the tissues as tophi. Most of the time, it happens in the joints, which causes arthritis. This high concentration of uric acid can also cause kidney problems.

Gout is a form of arthritis that can be explained by purines. It mainly affects the big toe joint. It causes very intense pain attacks, as well as redness and swelling in this area.

Purines and gout

What is the benefit of purines for food?

As we have already mentioned, food is the main source of purines. Diet is therefore a determining factor in the development and control of uric acid-related diseases.

Although it is ideal that we all eat a balanced and healthy diet, for people who have a predisposition to suffer from these conditions, it is particularly important to control the diet. Some of the foods high in purines are:

  • Meat in general, whether beef, pork, game or poultry
  • Seafood, such as lobster or mussels
  • The liver, gizzard or kidneys of any animal
  • Fish such as smoked salmon or anchovies

When there is a problem with purine metabolism, it is recommended to avoid these foods. In addition , it is important to drink plenty of fluids to increase the elimination of uric acid. It is also recommended to maintain an adequate weight and avoid alcohol.

To keep in mind

Despite all these recommendations that we give you in the article, medical consultation should always prevail. What we need to emphasize is that purines are essential to our life, but they can also be linked to different diseases. Gout is the most well-known disease, and the arthritis it causes is very painful. Hence the importance of being vigilant to detect it.

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