Papaya Remedy To Treat Abdominal Distension

Thanks to its enzymes, papaya can help us to relieve inflammation in the intestine and the walls of the stomach while allowing the elimination of gas.

Abdominal distension is one of the most common conditions in women. We have all experienced this discomfort, where our stomachs are swollen and full, as if we have eaten more than we need.

It is common to take medication whenever you feel this problem, to “relieve the gas”. However, one should be aware that abdominal distension has many causes and therefore it is necessary to know what causes it before resorting to self-medication. 

In general, a swollen belly tends to resolve itself with a suitable diet and especially with the simple remedies that we are going to tell you about in this article.

Causes of abdominal distension

That “little belly” that we almost always notice at the end of the day is not a buildup of fat, nor does it mean that we have gained weight with a wave of a magic wand.

Even though it is a common condition, it can sometimes be the cause of problems that require specific medical treatment, so if you see that this problem is constant, do not hesitate to seek advice from a specialist.

We invite you to discover the most common causes of abdominal distension.

The constipation

Constipation is the most common cause of bloating in women.

It is enough to go a few days without being able to have a bowel movement to feel this pressure and heaviness in the belly.

  • The intestines fill with toxins and fermenting yeasts. These internal processes are generated by waste substances which we do not dispose of well and which end up accumulating.
  • Be aware that dirty intestines make it difficult to absorb nutrients.
    And even worse, they will come into the blood stream along with substances and wastes that can make us sick.

Never forget that chronic constipation requires appropriate treatment.


According to doctors, dyspepsia affects almost 30% of the population.

Often it has genetic origins but sometimes it can be caused by bacteria like Helicobacter pylori , which cause serious changes in our digestion.

  • The digestive process is slower and therefore gastric emptying takes longer to occur.
  • Fermentations appear and give rise to intestinal gas produced by the microflora of the colon.
  • We get a feeling of fullness with a few bites, but the tummy is very tight and sore.

Food intolerances

Sometimes we are intolerant of many foods and we don’t even realize it. You don’t need to be sick or have a fever to be allergic to a product. Heavy, slow and painful digestion is a sufficient lead.

  • Sometimes the intestine is unable to digest the usual components of our diet normally.
    This is common with dairy products, as well as foods that contain gluten.
  • When food is not digested well, it stays in the intestine and ferments, until it produces diarrhea or constipation, in addition to abdominal inflammation.

Fluid retention

Fluid retention is caused by an increase in the volume of interstitial fluid, usually caused by problems with the bloodstream or kidneys. An unsuitable diet or a sedentary life generate this inflammation of the tissues which is almost always localized in the stomach and in the legs.

Fluid retention is, along with constipation, one of the most common causes of abdominal distension.

The papaya remedy to cure abdominal distension

Papaya and its digestive enzymes

One of the best ways to combat abdominal distension is to consume papaya. Thanks to papain, a wonderful digestive enzyme found in the pulp and leaves of this fruit, it is possible to reduce inflammation of the intestine and stomach walls.

  • Another interesting fact about papaya is that it allows us to digest proteins better, by stimulating cellular reactions to synthesize nutrients.
  • The enzymes in papaya can be helpful for people who have problems with their pancreas.
    Thanks to this tropical and delicious fruit, we improve our digestion, we eliminate gas and we fight abdominal distension.

Anti-inflammatory juice to fight against abdominal distension


  • a cup of chopped papaya (140 g)
  • a spoonful of aloe vera (15 g)
  • a spoonful of green tea (10 g)
  • a glass of water (200 ml)


  • This juice is very easy to prepare and it will allow you to improve your digestion and fight against abdominal inflammation.
  • To do this, prepare the green tea infusion with the glass of water.
  • Once it is ready, let it sit for 20 minutes and during this time, cut the papaya, then extract the aloe vera pulp.
  • Put everything in the blender. Try to get a smooth juice with these three ingredients that are excellent for digestive health.
  • If you start the day with this natural papaya remedy, you will notice that your stomach will be flatter.
    Your digestions will be less heavy and you will fight against constipation.

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