Natural Treatments For Sore Hands And Wrists

Freezing aloe vera allows you to take advantage of its anti-inflammatory properties while enjoying the calming effects of the cold, which helps alleviate pain.

Painful hands and wrists can have various origins. One may also feel a sensation of numbness. Especially in the evening or at night. You should know that the problem of pain in the hands is always related to carpal tunnel syndrome, a pain common in women.

In any case, the most important thing is to know the origin in order to obtain suitable medical treatment. In the meantime, at home, you can practice these simple, natural remedies to relieve sore hands and wrists.

Causes of painful hands and wrists

It is interesting to know that pain in the hands is one of the most common problems in women.

Cartilage, bones and joints wear out long before men’s. And you should know that the anatomy of women’s hands and wrists is very different.

The carpal tunnel is narrower. This means that mechanical and repetitive tasks therefore generate significant overloads. Add to this hormonal changes, heredity and lack of calcium.

Here are the most common causes related to sore hands and wrists:

  • Thumb arthritis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Ganglion cyst
  • Trigger finger
  • Wrist tendonitis

Home remedies for sore hands and wrists

exercises for sore hands and wrists


To re-activate circulation and to calm pain in the hands and wrists, do the following exercises:

  • With the thumb and forefinger of one hand, squeeze the skin between these two fingers of the other hand. Do this for 5 seconds, then switch to a circular massage. Repeat on the other hand.
  • Gently turn your wrists.
  • Open and close your hands, stretching your fingers out as far as you can.

These exercises will be very useful if you do manual tasks or if you type on the computer for many hours.

Rosemary baths

Rosemary is not just a herb for seasoning dishes. It is also a medicinal remedy to relieve inflammation of the muscles and it is also a good pain reliever.

Take note of the rosemary treatment:


  • 5 sprigs of rosemary
  • 500 ml of water
  • 8 drops of lavender essential oil


  • Start by heating the water to make an infusion with the 5 sprigs of rosemary.
  • Once it is lukewarm, remove the herbal remedy, then add the drops of rosemary essential oil.
  • Then soak your hands in the relaxing, anti-inflammatory water. It will relieve you!

Aloe vera ice cubes

aloe vera for sore hands and wrists

This remedy will be very useful for treating sore hands and wrists. Aloe vera is also a good anti-inflammatory drug that will help relieve muscle tension and pain. 

  • To do this, just get a stem of aloe vera, and extract the pulp to put it in the ice cube tray.
  • Put it in the freezer and take it when you have pain and discomfort in your hands or wrists.
  • All you have to do is give yourself a massage with one of these ice cubes on the area that hurts you.

Calendula flowers

If you can’t find a calendula flower, you can also use its essential oil. It can be easily found in natural stores or specialized pharmacies.

Used on the skin, calendula is very effective in treating muscle and joint pain and inflammation.

You can take a calendula oil bath (like rosemary oil) and massage the affected area in a relaxing way.

Foods to Treat Sore Hands and Wrists

  • Flax seed oil : it is very good for reducing inflammation. So take a spoonful every morning on an empty stomach. The effect is cumulative, so take a spoonful a day, at least for a month.
  • Increase your dose of vitamin B6.  It is essential for strengthening joints, bones and tendons. Plus, consuming foods like green vegetables or bananas will also help reduce inflammation.

You can also find vitamin B6 directly in capsules. The daily dose will be 2 mg.

  • Omega-3 : Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and promote joint health. They reduce pain, they are anti-coagulants and regulate blood pressure.

You can find omega-3s in the following foods:

  • Cod oil
  • The egg yolk
  • Sardines
  • Anchovies
  • Nuts
  • Flax seeds
  • The almonds
  • Soybeans
  • The strawberries
  • Pineapple

Another option that you can also use to reduce hand pain is the nocturnal wrist band.

Do not hesitate to seek advice from a specialist. Surgery may be needed if you have carpal tunnel syndrome.

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