Natural Remedy To Fight Snoring And Prevent Sleep Apnea

Snoring is bothersome and can be a symptom of illnesses. If you have such problems, try this remedy as it will help you unclog your airways.

Snoring is breathing sounds that occur when a person is sleeping.

It is one of the most troublesome nocturnal disorders because it can disturb the sleep of the spouse or the person sharing the room.

Although in many cases they are occasional and mild, some people are required to see a doctor to determine if they are due to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

Sleep apnea is a difficulty in breathing that occurs through repeated episodes of obstruction or paralysis of the upper airways, which narrows or becomes blocked.

A temporary interruption in breathing occurs for a little over 10 seconds, which leads to paralysis and decreased oxygen levels.

Breathing returns to normal with snoring, which occurs because of air trying to pass through the narrow airway.

In addition to apnea, there are other factors that are also associated with a greater tendency to snore.

Obesity, obstruction of the nasal cavity and posture can be possible causes of this problem.

Fortunately, today, dozens of solutions have been revealed that allow you to not take medication.

In this article, we are going to share with you a home remedy that is very effective, thanks to its ability to clear the airways.

What does this natural remedy to relieve snoring consist of?

This natural remedy for snoring combines ingredients such as lemon, ginger, carrot and apple, whose nutritional qualities accelerate the healing of several respiratory ailments.

Its richness in vitamin C strengthens the immune system and helps reduce the presence of microorganisms that cause flu, colds and congestion.

Regularly ingesting supports cleansing of the lungs, reducing the presence of toxins and pathogens that are harmful to the body.


  • ½ lemon
  • 1 piece of ginger
  • 2 apples
  • 2 carrots
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


  • Wash and cut the ginger into small slices.
  • Peel the carrots and cut them.
  • Wash the apples well, remove the seeds and cut them.
  • Introduce the previous ingredients into the blender and add half a glass of water and the juice of half a lemon.
  • Mix everything for a few minutes until you obtain a smooth drink.

Way of consuming

  • Serve the juice cool and consume it every day, one or two hours before going to sleep.

Tips for best results

The results of this drink depend a lot on the other habits that we adopt to treat this condition. 

Now we are going to give you some tips.

Avoid alcoholic drinks and sedatives

Consumption of alcoholic beverages and conventional sedatives impairs the functioning of the central nervous system, which affects snoring.

As the muscles and tissues in the throat relax too much, an air flow passes. And that causes the annoying sound of snoring.

No smoking

Both smokers and passive smokers are more likely to snore because of the substances that are released in cigarette smoke. 

This smoke infects the tissues in the airways, contracting them and causing frequent snoring.

Light and early dinner

Eating too much and just before going to sleep can cause sleep disturbances or snoring problems.

Dinner should be eaten at least three hours before going to bed. And hard-to-digest foods like dairy products and red meats should be avoided.

They increase the presence of snot in the throat, and influence breathing difficulties during sleep.

Exercise regularly

Physical activity helps clear the lungs, making it easier to breathe and reducing the presence of toxins in them.

Firm pillows

With the help of a firm pillow, you can raise your head a little in relation to the rest of the body. This decreases the possibilities of snoring.

Do you have snoring problems? Do not hesitate to try this natural remedy and each of the recommendations that we have given you!

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