Natural Juices To Detoxify Our Kidneys

If we start our day by drinking these juices, we will eliminate excess fluid, and we will have more energy. You can also apply heat to your kidneys to increase your well-being.

If we want to enjoy good health, we need to detoxify some of our organs and especially our kidneys. For this we must eat foods or supplements that help us cleanse them, especially after the Christmas excesses.

In this article, we’ll tell you why it’s so important to cleanse and detoxify our kidneys. We will also see how you can do this by drinking natural fruit and vegetable juices. These juices are not only very beneficial for your body, but they will also surprise you with their delicious flavors. 

Why do we need to detox our kidneys?

The kidneys are organs that are responsible for cleaning the blood of potentially harmful substances through urine and regulating fluids in the body. They are vital organs, that is to say, essential for life, and that is why we must take care of them and maintain them in good health through a healthy diet.

Of purification-based foods and supplements help us detoxify our kidneys further.

Natural juices

Natural juices are a healthy and easy way to get lots of nutrients in little quantity.

For this, we advise you to start the day with one of these juices and you will see that in a week you will notice the difference. For example, you will feel lighter because you will remove excess fluid. You will also have more energy and vitality. On the other hand, you will relieve or prevent many types of kidney disease.

So you can choose one of them or alternate and combine them.

Apple and celery juice

Celery is one of the most diuretic plants that exists, and its delicate flavor is ideal for inclusion in this type of juice. The apple is one of the most complete fruits that we can use. It will also bring a sweeter note to the juice. This cocktail is an excellent snack to detoxify the kidneys.  


  • A branch of green and fresh celery, with branches and leaves
  • 3 apples (if they are organic, you can press them with the skin)
  • You can finally add a few fresh mint leaves as an option

celery and apple juice with mint

The salad and fennel juice

This not surprisingly combination hides a delicious flavor and a lot of properties to detoxify the kidneys. It’s also a good alternative for people who don’t eat a lot of salad.

Salad has excellent  diuretic properties, but also helps us regulate the nervous system. It is therefore an ideal juice for the afternoon or evening.

Fennel, with its special taste, will add a sweet touch and help you eliminate more liquids.


  • 5 well-washed, dark green salad leaves (however, avoid the iceberg variety, which contains almost no nutrients)
  • A piece of fresh fennel root
  • A spoonful of bee honey

Tomato, onion and seawater juice

Onion is one of the most beneficial foods for our kidneys. In this case, you will mix it with tomato, a vegetable rich in potassium and you will season it with sea water. Sea water indeed works as a very balanced natural supplement.

This juice is obviously salty. However, it contains all the minerals that our body requires in the right proportions. Plus, it acts as a regulator as it helps our kidneys eliminate more fluids.


  • 4 ripe tomatoes
  • Half an onion
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 tablespoons of sea water

tomato juice to detoxify our kidneys

Additional tips

The kidneys and the liver are organs that tend to cool down. Therefore, they can be soothed through the direct application of a heat source. This is all the more true in winter.

In addition, the kidneys are intimately linked to our energy levels, so providing them with heat will increase our well-being and our vitality. 

To do this, we can use different techniques:

  • an electric heating mat,
  • hot water bottle
  • the moxibustion technique
  • a massage
  • or even by covering the area with natural wool.

It is recommended to apply the heat source for about half an hour.

Finally, some foods are on the contrary harmful for our kidneys. The following elements should therefore be  avoided: 

  • Milk and dairy products
  • White sugar
  • Salt
  • Medicines
  • Proteins should be limited, especially those of animal origin, as they require extra effort from the kidneys.

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