Learn How To Make Your Own Fruit Granita

If there is one product that is extremely easy to make yourself and packed with vitamins, it is undoubtedly Fruit Granita. Find out how to prepare this natural drink that allows you to mix different flavors and is also ideal for your health.

A fruit granita is a refreshing drink made with fruit juice and a generous amount of crushed ice.

It should be noted that fruit granita is a very healthy option in the summer. These fruit drinks will replace very well all the other less natural refreshing drinks which are usually marketed on the market.

In addition, granitas are very easy to prepare and allow you to combine different fruits together. In this way, you can use the same method of preparation, which will hardly change, and only vary the ingredients using only the seasonal ones.

For example, a lemonade made with a fruit granita or an iced mint tea mixed with a good sip of fruit are always popular drinks when you are thirsty. Not only will the granitas allow you to hydrate you while nourishing you, but they will also be very useful if you carry out physical activities such as walking, running, swimming, etc., in order to regain all your energy.

Preparation of fruit granita

To facilitate the preparation of these delicious granita, we present in this article, different options to encourage you to prepare them at home in a simple and fast way. To vary the flavors, all you have to do is choose the fruits you prefer and dare to combine them with a little mint, herbal tea or tea. The result will be a very refreshing and natural drink that you can serve at any time of the day.

In addition, fruit granitas are very healthy drinks that you can vary according to your desires and thus not stick to a single option. You can prepare these granita with one or more fruits and combine the ingredients you want, as long as you keep the ice cream and avoid adding sugar and sweeteners. A touch of sweetness is always possible but do not overdo it, especially since the drink already contains natural sugar which the fruits are full of.

Now all you have to do is follow these simple steps and several recommendations that you are about to discover. Remember that depending on the type of granita you decide to make, you may get more or less nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals. In this way, you will also facilitate the energy supply that your body needs for certain activities and times of the year.

How to consume fruit granita

Regarding the consumption of fruit granitas, we recommend that you do not drink them too quickly. The excessive cold of this type of drink can have a negative impact on the stomach, which could cause some discomfort. In other words, fruit granita is a drink that must be sipped slowly to enjoy all of its flavors. So drink your fruit granita in small sips and savor it gently.

On the other hand, any time you drink something that has a lot of ice in it or is very cold, your food shouldn’t be too hot either. Why shouldn’t you mix cold and hot? Well, if you drink an iced drink with a pasta dish, for example, you run the risk of having a heavier and more difficult digestion.

Now discover different fruit granita recipes and adapt them to your tastes.

1. Watermelon granita

watermelon granita

The point is, if you are a lover of cold drinks or ice cream, you will enjoy homemade fruit granita very much. If you like to decorate your preparations, you can also add small artistically cut pieces of watermelon or include a flower on the glass, etc. We leave these choices to your imagination.

To prepare a watermelon granita, you will need to provide the following ingredients:


  • 6 slices of watermelon without forgetting to remove the seeds (400 g)
  • 2 cups of water (220 ml)
  • 1/2 lemon slice (40 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (50 g)
  • 1 cup filled with ice cubes (150 g)


  • Start by placing the ice cubes in a mixing bowl.
  • Then set to the slowest speed and blend all the ice cubes until it looks like snow.
  • Then, gradually introduce the watermelon slices but do not mix them with the rest of the ingredients yet.
  • First you need to add the sugar and gradually the cup of water. You can adapt the proportions that we tell you in this recipe according to the amount of granita you want to prepare.
  • Finally, you can mix everything by choosing a slow speed, for about 10 seconds.
  • Turn off the blender, reserve the watermelon granita in the refrigerator and place, for example, a lemon slice as the final decoration. Consume this drink at any time of the day to refresh yourself and remember to do it slowly.

2. Pineapple granita

pineapple granita

The pineapple granita is a very original option. This citrus fruit is very versatile and allows many blends, which will allow you to combine it in different granites. Additionally, pineapple is loaded with many vitamins and in particular a very beneficial enzyme called bromelain.

This pineapple granita is also ideal for people who like drinks with a little more acidity. To prepare this tasty pineapple granita, you will need to use the following ingredients:


  • 3 pineapple slices (275 g)
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (20 g)
  • 2 cups of coconut water (220 ml)


  • Place the pineapple slices in the blender then pour in the coconut water.
  • Start blending these ingredients for 10 seconds at minimum speed. Try not to miss this process as it is very important for this drink to be successful.
  • Then add the sugar and a pinch of salt.
  • Then place all the mixture in a container and leave it in the freezer for 2 to 4 hours.
  • Finally, using a fork, scrape the frozen surface and extract the amount of granita you need. To decorate this tangy granita, you can accompany it with pieces of pineapple or sweetened condensed milk if you prefer.

3. Strawberry granita

Finally, find out how to prepare a tasty granita with strawberries. It is probably the most successful and therefore the most popular fruit granita, which is why it has become a classic among refreshing drinks.

To prepare this strawberry granita, you will need to choose the following ingredients:


  • 3 cups of chopped strawberries (300 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (20 g)
  • 1 cup of lemon juice (110 ml)
  • 1 cup with ice cubes (100 g)


  • The preparation of this granita is one of the simplest. Just follow these few tips and recommendations to get a delicious strawberry granita.
  • The first thing you will need to do is place all of the ingredients inside your mixing bowl.
  • First the chopped strawberries, then the lemon juice and finally the sugar and ice cubes.
  • Once the previous step is complete, make sure to blend well for 15 seconds at minimum speed.
  • Finally, pour the thick contents of the strawberry granita into a glass and cool off!

The apple is one of the favorite fruits of many of us because of its taste and its versatility, since it can be eaten whole, in juice, in desserts or even salads. In addition to being an easy drink to prepare, apple juice has multiple beneficial health effects, both on our skin and on our metabolism. We offer you, in this article, a very simple recipe for preparing a healthy and original drink that you can even drink on an empty stomach. It will make sure you get the nutrients you need to start your day by refueling.

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