Learn How To Defend Yourself From Criticism With Assertiveness

In addition to not feeling offended, by accepting criticism with assertiveness without being defensive, we will also achieve greater balance on the plan psychological.

“You didn’t work very well today”, “If I had been you, I wouldn’t have made this decision”Throughout the day, we are subjected to a multitude of criticisms. Therefore, today you will learn to defend yourself assertively from criticism.

Assertiveness is an underdeveloped ability that allows us to stand up for our rights and let others know in a respectful way.

There are many examples of assertiveness when we say “no”. Or when we dare to express an opinion without apologizing or, even less, while waiting for some form of approval.

Don’t be defensive, but ask

Don't be defensive, respond assertively.

When someone criticizes us, the first reaction we have is to get defensive. We see criticism as an attack, it hurts and offends us. Therefore, we go into a state of alert.

However, the moment we get on the defensive, we counterattack. We oppose the other and try to give them back the change.

If you want to learn how to defend yourself from criticism, this is not the best way to do it. Plus, the counterattack just puts you on a level with the other, and maybe that’s not what you’re looking for.

That is why when you notice that the emotions are pushing you to defend yourself against this criticism that you are receiving, breathe in, stop.

The question is something that the critic does not expect. Her goal is for you to accept what she says, even if it may hurt you.

For example, if someone says to you, “This is a way to dress today!” “ . Don’t try to justify yourself, put your head down and show insecurity and embarrassment. Or counterattack with a ”  You should be looking at yourself!” “.

It is best to ask a question ”  What bothers you about the way I dress? ”  .

The person who criticized you probably won’t know what to say or if they do, their response will be absurd.

The important thing is that you don’t let the criticism make you angry.  And, even less, make you uncomfortable.

Acknowledge criticism with assertiveness

Acknowledge criticism with assertiveness.

In the event that a person criticizes something that we have done, not to hurt us or because of certain prejudices, but because they are right in what they say, it is also not a good idea to get on the defensive.

If a friend tells us how long it took us to get ready and go to see him, it is not positive to answer ”  You also made me wait at a certain time”.

These ways of dealing with criticism, instead of strengthening relationships, gradually weaken them, until the wear and tear is such that they eventually break down.

The ideal would be to respond assertively like this,  “It’s true, I’m late.

If you are criticized by also saying “O n can not talk with you, you have no idea in politics”  , you can answer  “It’s true, I know nothing in politics” .

You accept that you don’t know, that you were wrong, or that you made a mistake. But at no time should you allow it to affect you, let alone force you to change.

For example, if you don’t know anything about politics because it doesn’t interest you at all, you shouldn’t feel bad just because you have been criticized for not knowing it well.

Accept this as a part of you and speak your position assertively.

Defend yourself from criticism by respecting the opinions of others

In all of this there is something very important. This is because you can confidently defend yourself from criticism as long as you respect the opinions of others. But above all, you have to respect yourself.

If someone tells you that you are wearing awful pants, you shouldn’t be offended or dismiss that opinion. Respect it, accept it and say “  oh yes? Well, I like him ”  .

We can’t all have the same tastes and you don’t have to change yours.

You can respect that the other person was sincere and gave you their point of view. But remember, it is your tastes and opinions that should prevail for you.

Even if other people don’t like your pants, please this is what should count first. This way you will also learn to be more flexible with the opinions and tastes of others.

Do you know how to defend yourself against criticism? How do you usually react when someone criticizes you?

If you live offended all the time, you are hurting yourself. Learn to be flexible like bamboo. Adapt to situations so they don’t get over you. Learn to love yourself a little more and stop seeing offenses where they don’t exist.

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