Ice Cube Treatment For Fresher, Blemish-free Skin

It is very important not to apply ice cubes directly to the skin, to avoid burns. After the treatment, you should always apply a moisturizer.

To have fresh, youthful, blemish-free skin, you don’t have to invest in expensive commercial treatments or go to beauty centers.

Nature offers us elements which must be taken into account and which must be enjoyed in their natural state. 

One of these alternative therapies has convinced people looking to improve the condition of their skin.

It is about using ice cubes to firm, tone and reduce all the alterations that can be considered as an aesthetic discomfort. 

Cryotherapy, according to its medical name, is a very popular practice in Asian countries, where skin rejuvenation is part of daily beauty programs.

Since it has excellent effects on the skin, this technique is now known all over the world.

It is an economical and easy way to maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Would you like to know what it is?

Ice therapy for radiant skin

The use of ice cubes on the skin is a beauty ritual with important properties, which are worth applying every day.

The great advantage of this treatment is that it can be done every day. It only takes a few minutes and it costs next to nothing.

Ice cubes are an excellent remedy to fight inflammation, close open pores and tone weakened areas.

In addition to the benefits mentioned, this technique is ideal, for the following reasons:

It softens the skin

It tightens the skin and shrinks large pores, removing blackheads that can form from excess dirt and oil.

The result is fresh skin, without excess fat and with a soft texture. 

It acts as a tonic lotion

Tonic lotion is a product that is now part of all daily beauty programs, as it refreshes the skin and prepares it for makeup application.

It improves blood circulation

Applying cold to the skin could help improve blood circulation,  preventing blood from rising to its surface.

It also reduces inflammation, which is responsible for cosmetic problems like cellulitis and varicose veins.

She brings a fresher and younger face

This treatment is great for regulating skin oils and reducing inflammation, as well as keeping skin soft, toned and younger-looking.

Its anti-inflammatory benefits help reduce bags under the eyes as well as dark circles, two elements that age the face.

It eliminates imperfections

Ice cubes can help decrease inflammation and reddening of acne pimples, thanks to their anti-inflammatory and cooling action.

They also help reduce the size and number of spots that typically form on the face as a result of sun exposure and pollution.

How to apply this treatment?

There are several alternatives for applying ice cubes to the skin.

You can use gel packs, like the ones designed for the eye area, or you can make your own ice pack by putting a few ice cubes in a fabric cover.

Before you start, it is very important to wash your face completely and remove all types of dirt and makeup residue.

Once the ice cubes start to melt and the bag is wet, apply it all over your face, giving yourself a gentle massage.

Leave the ice pack on the areas of the face you want to cool, until you feel a slight numbness from the cold.

With circular motions, slide the ice cubes along the chin, jaw, forehead and nose line.

To complete the treatment, apply a moisturizing tonic lotion or face cream.

Immediate results!

The people who have used this therapy assure that the results appear from the first application, because it brings an immediate firming effect and it cleanses the skin deeply.

Despite this, under no circumstances should ice cubes be applied for a prolonged period of time, as they can cause reddening of the skin. 

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