How To Remove Age Spots From The Skin

To get rid of age spots, you need to apply these natural remedies daily, because their effectiveness is based on a certain consistency in their use.

With the passage of time, the small marks that tarnish our dermis become bigger and bigger and darker and darker.

If they are painless and have no symptoms, we often want to reduce them or make them disappear for aesthetic reasons. That is why, in the rest of this article, we have decided to give you remedies to remove age spots in a natural way.

Follow the guide !

Everything you need to know about age spots

Age spots are flat, usually very dark, marks that can appear on different parts of our body.

However, they are more common on the face, the neck and the hands. In some people, they can also appear on the shoulders, back and feet.

These spots generally occur in people over the age of 50 and are directly related to exposure to UV rays.

They can come in any size, and although the majority of them are harmless, it is necessary to show them to a doctor to make sure they are not cancerous.

Discoloration of the face, neck and hands is perfectly normal with age, especially in women. To understand this phenomenon, we need to tell you about melanin, a pigment that gives our skin its color.

When in contact with sunlight, its production increases, with the aim of protecting the inner layers of our skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.

This is exactly the same as what happens with people who visit tanning salons regularly.

The other factors that cause the appearance of these spots are chronic pathologies, aging and insufficient nutrition of the skin.

Natural remedies for age spots

Many people opt for expensive medical and cosmetic treatments to get rid of it, which can sometimes be painful in every sense of the word.

That’s why we suggest you take advantage of all the benefits of nature to reduce age spots on the skin.

1. Lemon juice

It is one of the best “stain removers” that exist.

The citric acid and antioxidants present in lemon work as natural whitening agents, which reduce the spots on the skin. This is why so many creams and cosmetics include lemon in their composition.

  • All you have to do is squeeze half a lemon and apply the resulting juice to a piece of cotton.
  • Pass the cotton all over your face or over the areas affected by the spots. Leave on for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with cold water.
  • You should do this treatment in the evening only and do it once a day.
  • If you apply lemon to your skin when it is still daylight, the acids in this citrus fruit can cause the opposite effect to that sought, and promote the appearance of spots on the face.

2. Whey

You will find it in all the good natural or dedicated beauty shops. The acid contained in the whey will allow you to thoroughly cleanse your face and eliminate all age spots.

  • Apply it every day before going to bed on clean, dry skin.

3. Aloe vera

As you already know, this plant is essential for our skin. It is used as well to heal wounds as to reduce the spots caused by the passage of time.

In addition, it is very easy to apply:

  • Cut an aloe vera stalk lengthwise, then extract the gel from it.
  • Wash your face and neck well, then apply this gel.
  • Let dry, without rinsing.

4. Apple vinegar

We all have them in our kitchen, to make dressings and add flavor to our dishes. However, it is also very useful in helping us to carry out treatments against many skin problems, even against infections.

The acids in vinegar help remove dead cells and rejuvenate the skin. This treatment is applied to the skin as well as it is consumed. In the second case, you will have to drink it every day.


  • ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5 ml)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)


  • Pour half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water.
  • Mix well, then drink this mixture every morning.
  • If you wish, you can add a spoonful of honey for a milder flavor.

To apply apple cider vinegar directly to your skin, we recommend the following remedy, which is made up of other easily available ingredients.


  • ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5 ml)
  • 1 onion
  • ½ teaspoon of rose water (5 ml)


  • Peel an onion then, using a mortar, crush it until a kind of paste is obtained.
  • Add the vinegar and rose water.
  • Mix well.
  • Wash your face with neutral soap.
  • Apply this mask on your spots. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

5. Castor oil

Castor oil is more and more popular, in particular thanks to its exceptional virtues for the health of our skin. It can be of great help to you in the fight against age spots.

Its use is very simple. You just need to pour a few drops of the oil into the palms of your hands and then gently massage the affected areas. Perform this operation in the evening.

This oil is one of the most beneficial for our dermis, as it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers.

  • If you use it regularly, you will enjoy smoother, clearer skin without wrinkles and spots.

6. Hydrogen peroxide

Here is another ingredient that you absolutely must have in your home because it should be part of any good first aid kit. In the case that interests us, we will use it to reduce age spots.

  • Soak a piece of cotton with hydrogen peroxide, then wipe it over your face every night before going to bed. Do not rinse.

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