How To Prepare Popcorn?

This is one of the most popular, light and healthy appetizers around. But, it is necessary to prepare it correctly to avoid large amounts of salt, fat and sugar.

Do you eat popcorn during movie shows? Do you buy it ready-made or use the microwave to heat it in a bag? Did you know that you can also make popcorn at home, quickly, easily and inexpensively?

Better yet, you can control your portions as well as the amount of salt and fat added. Here are some tips for preparing this delicious snack at home, with ideas to give it a different touch and analyze its nutritional value.

Nutrients and Benefits of Popcorn

This snack, so popular and consumed all over the world, is made from cereal grains. It is a special cereal that explodes on exposure to heat. It is therefore a complete food that has its own nutritional values ​​and even certain health benefits :

  • It consists mainly of carbohydrates, 9 grams of protein, and 5 grams of fat (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated).
  • Popcorn provides B vitamins as well as minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and copper.
  • It contains antioxidant polyphenols which protect cells from free radical damage.
  • It has a good amount of fiber. It was found that the regular consumption reduces the risk of suffering from problems such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity.
  • Popcorn can help with weight loss if it replaces other higher calorie snacks . It also has a greater satiating capacity than French fries.

All of these properties are due to the nutrients contained in the corn kernels. Therefore,  it is a good food if it is consumed in moderate amounts and in its basic recipe. It is best to reserve toppings and toppings like chocolate, honey or cheese for special occasions. For everyday use, you can add a special touch with oregano, spices or a little cocoa powder.

Bowl of popcorn in front of the television.

How to prepare popcorn at home?

3 fundamental ingredients and 3 steps are necessary to prepare this aperitif.

Ingredients needed

The first step is to obtain cereal grains suitable for the preparation of popcorn. This is important because otherwise they do not swell.

You can find them in many specialty stores. They are also sold prepackaged in supermarkets and supermarkets.

The other two ingredients needed are salt and a small amount of extra virgin olive oil. It is the most recommended oil because it can withstand high temperatures and is a healthy option that is easily found in the market.

Cooking utensils

In the case of popcorn, the list is short and concise. To make popcorn at home, you need a frying pan or large saucepan with a lid. Grains actually need enough space to multiply their volume. To serve you need a salad bowl or small bowls.

3 steps to follow to prepare popcorn

Here is the basic recipe for this snack at home. You can also customize the preparation. With the following amounts, you get a bowl of popcorn sufficient for a snack for 4 people. If you are dealing with real popcorn lovers, it is advisable to increase the quantities:

  1. Pour between 2 and 3 tablespoons of olive oil in the chosen saucepan or container. This amount is necessary to create sufficient vapor. Then cook over medium heat.
  2. Then add half a cup of corn kernels. Mix with the oil then stir from time to time until they begin to brown. Cover them and wait for them to grow bigger.
  3. The popcorn will emit a characteristic sound after about two minutes. At this point, shake the pan upside down and mix well. Leave on the fire for a while. If steam comes out of the lid, then turn off the heat. When the noise is less frequent, move the container away from the heat source and remove the lid to prevent the popcorn from softening. Then immediately pour into a bowl to serve.

Bowl of popcorn.

How to personalize the popcorn?

Popcorn without any added ingredients with a touch of salt is already a tasty snack. But a lot of people like to explore new combinations and new flavors. Others, on the other hand, eat it so often that they want more variety. This is not a problem since popcorn is an easy snack to season.

Although everyone has their favorite combinations, we offer you some ideas for a special touch:

  • Cheese taste: you will get it by sprinkling a little oil with a sprayer and grating a little cheese on top. The yeast gives the same result in a vegetarian version.
  • Chili powder: or in pieces if you want a more spicy touch.
  • Mix of spices: use your imagination to satisfy your personal tastes (paprika, turmeric, curry, masala , etc.).
  • Popcorn with vinaigrette: just prepare a simple vinaigrette or add a special flavor like mustard or honey to it. Then pour it into a sprayer to water the corn kernels once they are in the bowl.
  • For sugar lovers: just melt a few grams of your favorite chocolate and then mix it with the popcorn once it’s cooked. Or sprinkle with raw cocoa.

Making popcorn at home is easy

To prepare popcorn at home, it is enough to lay out special corn kernels, salt and oil. Then, you have to cook them in a container large enough so that they have space to explode. In a few minutes, they will be ready.

Finally, popcorn is a popular snack that can be a healthy option when prepared at home. Even if you are on a slimming diet, you can eat popcorn, with the right ingredients, without too much salt and oil.

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