How To Prepare A Wonderful Homemade Mask To Cleanse Pores

Mixing the ingredients in this homemade mask will help you cleanse skin pores naturally, without having to resort to harsh exfoliators.

To cleanse the skin pores in a natural way, it is enough to use a mask that has the ability to remove impurities and regulate the accumulated sebum . This mask should also help you as much as possible to close the enlarged pores of the face.

Find out in this article how to prepare a natural homemade mask to deeply cleanse the skin pores and obtain a soft, smooth and luminous complexion. Do not hesitate to try this homemade mask and see for yourself all its benefits if you use it regularly.

The mixture of the ingredients of this homemade mask will help you to clean the skin pores naturally, without having to resort to other more aggressive or industrial exfoliators.

What Are Skin Pores?

Skin pores are the small openings found in the outermost layer of the skin, i.e. the epidermis.

Each person has about two million pores. These have different functions and one of the most famous is to eliminate perspiration. In addition to sweat, sebum and hair also come out through the pores.

Over time, the pores dilate and become more and more visible, which makes our face look worse. However, genetics and other factors also determine the type of pores each person has.

While some treatments or products promise to close pores, this is actually not possible. On the other hand, we can learn to take care of our face with appropriate products to clean the pores deeply in the usual way.

How can we cleanse the pores?

How to clean the pores.

To clean the pores of the skin, we will need to apply a mask that is also exfoliating. To do this, you can use one of the following two methods to exfoliate your skin in a natural way:

Thanks to a scrub : this is the most famous exfoliating method. It is characterized by a grainy or sandy texture which, with a light massage, eliminates dead cells and cleans the pores.

Using an enzymatic exfoliation : this type of exfoliant is gentler because it does not have a grainy texture. It works through enzymes found in fruits and vegetables, such as pineapple, tomato or lemon.

Homemade mask

Homemade mask to cleanse the pores.

Learn how to prepare this homemade and natural mask to clean the pores of your face. This homemade mask combines exfoliating, soothing and hydrating ingredients to balance the skin’s sebum.

Excessive cleaning of the pores can lead to irritation or dryness of the skin. For this reason, it is essential to prepare the mask as we will explain in this article.

Active ingredients of the face mask

Active ingredients of the mask to cleanse the pores.

The active ingredients that we will use to make this mask are as follows:

  • Pineapple : Pineapple has enzymes that promote smooth exfoliation of the skin. It will help you to clean the pores and get smooth and luminous skin. It also contains very beneficial anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Sodium bicarbonate : sodium bicarbonate is the ingredient in this mask which will produce a deep exfoliation. Its texture is quite fine and more suitable for the skin than other products such as sugar or salt.
    In addition, its alkaline properties will balance the acidity of pineapple and yogurt.
  • Aloe vera  : aloe vera gel contains soothing, hydrating and regenerating properties. Its gelatinous texture, moreover, will facilitate the application of this mask.
    In addition, aloe vera has a high refreshing and antiseptic power. It is therefore very suitable for skin affected by impurities and acne.
  • Yogurt : yogurt, thanks to its lactic acid content, cleanses, hydrates and protects the skin without leaving it greasy.


To prepare this natural mask, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of natural pineapple juice (30 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (4 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt (40 g)

How to prepare this mask?

To prepare this mask, just mix all the ingredients and emulsify them so that they all blend together perfectly.

You will need to prepare it just before applying it so that it retains all of its properties as well as possible, especially those of pineapple.


Here are the different steps to follow to apply this mask:

  • Wash your face thoroughly with a little warm water to open the pores.
  • Then, once the skin is dry, apply the mask. You should avoid the area around the eyes and any other sensitive part of the face.
  • Leave the mask on for 15 minutes.
  • When removing the mask with water, gently rub the areas of the face where the pores are larger. Also insist on areas affected by possible blackheads or which are more oily.
  • Finally, wash your face well and, to finish, apply your usual moisturizing lotion or a little aloe vera gel if your skin is a little red.

You can apply this mask once a week. From the third week, you will start to notice the great benefits of this mask on your face.

The problem with large pores is that they tend to collect dirt and can lead to blemishes like acne or blackheads. It is therefore essential to keep them clean.

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