How To Grow Stevia At Home To Take Advantage Of Its Sweetening Properties

By planting stevia at home, you can be sure that you have a good quality product that does not contain additional chemicals that may to cancel its properties.

Stevia is a plant of tropical origin whose behavior changes in Mediterranean climates.

It does indeed experience an important break in its growth during the autumn-winter period.

Stevia is therefore considered a multi-year plant, that is to say it can regrow between 4 and 5 times a year.

It produces new buds in the spring, which arise below its roots .

From that moment, and until the middle of August, it is possible to make cuttings, in the same way as for geraniums.

However, buds that have already turned into flowers cannot be replanted, as they will never give roots.

In addition, the flowers never produce seeds that can germinate, so stevia can only reproduce by cuttings.

This way, if you plant a good variety of it, you will get endless production from a plant that has many medicinal properties.

Even if it is still very little known among us, this plant is a very effective remedy for the fight against too high levels of sugar in the blood, high blood pressure and various other digestive problems.

It is also very useful for treating people who suffer from anxiety and serious conditions like obesity.

How do you grow stevia at home?

Growing stevia in the garden of your home is possible. Get started today if you want to benefit from the wonderful virtues of this plant for your health.

To achieve this, you will have to follow certain cultivation and maintenance rules. The hardest part is to properly harvest the leaves of the plant.


  • 1 large pot or planter
  • 10 cm from a stevia cutting (make sure it hasn’t produced a flower)
  • Compost (enough to fill the pot)
  • Water to sprinkle

Step 1

Fill the pot with compost, which you can acquire from a nursery or produce yourself. Sprinkle it with water to keep it moist.

2nd step

Remove two or three leaves from the lower part of the stevia cutting, to make it easier to insert into the compost.

Bury the cutting well and exert light pressure with your fingers around the stem, so that it comes into good contact with the damp compost.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t wait too long between cutting the cutting and planting it.

Step 3

Put your pot in a dark place, to prevent the sun’s rays from reaching the plant directly.

From then on, water the plant three times a day to keep the compost moist.

Step 4

After 28 to 30 days, you will notice that the plant begins to stand up straight.

Once her leaves start to come out, put her in a sunny spot so she won’t stop growing.

  • When you expose your plant, it will start to produce new leaves. You will only need to water it once a day.
  • Water it daily during the summer, but don’t keep the soil too wet during the spring and fall to prevent the plant from rotting.
  • In winter, water it only if the soil is dry. Too much moisture can cause its roots to rot.

Step 5

By the end of fall, you should notice that the plant is full of flowers and its growth has stopped. Now is the time to cut it and leave only a 10 cm stalk.

Step 6

To dry the leaves you have obtained, do not expose them to direct sunlight so that they do not lose all their properties.

You can dry them directly in your home, where the temperature is more suitable.

The medicinal use of stevia

Stevia is excellent for people with type 2 diabetes, who make up 90% of patients with this disease worldwide.

Unfortunately, type 1 diabetes can only be treated with insulin at the moment.

It is believed that consumption of stevia can help control blood sugar levels, but it can also relieve certain ailments that affect the digestive system and the cardiovascular system.

Obese people can also consume it daily to burn fat more easily.

Stevia also has diuretic properties, which makes it an excellent remedy for cleansing the kidneys and relieving fluid retention.

How to consume stevia?

It is recommended to consume 4 tender leaves of stevia before or during breakfast, then 4 more leaves at dinner time.

If you do not have fresh leaves, you can use dried leaves to make an infusion. You can prepare it each time you want to consume it, or prepare a thermos for two days for example.


  • 2 tablespoons of dried and chopped stevia leaves (20 g)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Put a liter of water to boil. When it comes to a boil, remove it from the heat and add the two tablespoons of dried stevia.
  • Let the infusion run for 30 minutes before consuming it, so that the leaves diffuse all their properties in the water.
  • Filter the infusion, then consume it once a day.

No longer hesitate to grow stevia at home and enjoy a very pleasant experience. It is an exceptional ally for your body and for your health!

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