How To Extract Onion Juice And What Are Its Uses?

Onion juice is excellent for treating burns, insect bites and also serves to strengthen the hair.

Generally, due to its strong flavor, onion is only used as a condiment in the daily diet of every household in the world. However, it is much more than that. For example, onion juice has powerful properties.

Onion, that vegetable that many people love and many others look suspiciously at in their daily meals, belongs to the lily family. Although few believe it, the nutrients in this vegetable are quite amazing. They have several medicinal uses that we often don’t know how to appreciate.

First of all, we should know that onion brings many benefits. In this article, we present several of them to you.

The benefits of onion juice

  • Onion contains high amounts of allicin, an element known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, as well as for promoting circulation.
  • It has anticancer properties.
  • It is a source of minerals (sulfur, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium) and vitamins (C, E, B6 and folic acid).
  • It lowers blood sugar.

Now with that in mind, we can start talking about ways we can benefit from onion, beyond using it as a condiment in our meals.

One of the most popular, and the one we’ll go into in this article, is onion juice.

Yes, his name doesn’t really sound pleasant. But its preparation is enough, and the contributions it makes to the body are quite extensive.

Preparation of onion juice

Preparing the onion juice


The first thing to do is get two or three medium or large onions, depending on how much juice you want to extract.

Next, we need to prepare some utensils so that we do not complicate the preparation of the juice.

  • 1 sharp knife
  • Juice extractor or blender
  • 1 medium sized glass jar
  • 1 colander for assembling the jug


  • Cut off both ends of the onions and remove the outer layer.
  • Wash them thoroughly.
  • Cut them into six parts.
  • Add the pieces to the extractor or blender and mix for a few minutes.
  • Filter the juice and pour it into the container.

Once we have prepared our juice, we can talk about its qualities and when and how to consume it.

It is generally used for long term hair strengthening.

  • Take about 20 ml of the juice you have extracted and apply it to the scalp. Then massage the area for 20 minutes, trying to get the liquid to cover the entire hair.
  • After completing these two steps, leave the mask on the hair for about an hour before washing your hair normally.
  • This process should be applied at least three times a week. Thus, the results will be visible during the second month of application.

Other uses

Other uses of onion juice

It can also be used on the skin. Some grandparents recommend placing a little onion on the burnt skin. Younger people tend to look at them weird, don’t they?

But seniors are often right. But the difference is that we are going to use a slightly less rudimentary method.

First, prepare an ointment.

  • Place a tablespoon of the onion extract in a cup with another tablespoon of honey.
  • Combine the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture.

Then apply as follows:

  • Place the onion and honey mask on the part where the spots, stretch marks or burns you want to remove are located.
  • Wait 20 minutes and wash off with plenty of water.
  • Protecting yourself from the sun is very important to achieve the desired results.
  • Repeat once a week until the marks disappear.

These are the two most common ways to implement onion juice. However, we will put more online for you to enjoy.

When there are insect bites, the juice is very helpful as it reduces the itching in the affected area thus reducing the discomfort.

And finally, it is also good for fighting fungi on the skin. It should only be applied about 15 minutes a day until the fungus is gone.

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