Homemade Anti-wrinkle Cream For The Eye Area

The ingredients of this homemade anti-wrinkle cream are completely natural and help us to reduce the appearance of expression marks as well as bags under the eyes. eyes.

The eye area is a very delicate area of ​​the face where the first signs of aging appear. This is why today we have decided to explain to you how to easily develop a homemade and totally natural anti-wrinkle cream.

Find out in this article how to prepare it and what are its cosmetic benefits as well as its ingredients.

How to take care of the contour of our eyes?

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. This is why it gets damaged due to the passage of time, but also because of other factors such as:

  • Exposure to the sun, and particularly at hours of maximum radiation. We need sunglasses, and avoid exposing ourselves from noon to 4 in the afternoon.
  • Vision problems or wearing unsuitable glasses or contact lenses. Because we put a lot of effort into trying to see better.
  • Spend hours in front of the computer or television. This causes strain and eye strain that affects the entire musculature of the face.
  • Lack of hydration. This area can also suffer from devitalization if we do not drink enough water outside of meals.
  • Difficulties in liver and kidney function. Healthy liver and kidneys are associated with crow’s feet and bags under the eyes.
  • The use of poor quality cosmetics. Poor quality make-up will damage our skin over time, especially in delicate areas.
  • The lack of specific care especially around the eyes. The eye area requires more nutritious creams. Especially if you have dry or sensitive skin.
  • Questions of genetics. We must not forget that the genetic factor can predispose us to have wrinkles as well. However, with the following tips, you can prevent and reduce them.
  • Nutritional deficits. When our diet does not provide the skin with the necessary nutrients to keep it hydrated and flexible.
  • The tobacco. Smoking seriously damages the appearance of our skin and our face.

Benefits of a homemade anti-wrinkle cream

Benefits of a homemade anti-wrinkle cream

Preparing our own homemade anti-wrinkle cream has the following advantages:

  • Inexpensive, because a good eye cream is usually expensive.
  • The ingredients will be of high quality.
  • No preservatives, parabens and other products dangerous to health.
  • Can be adapted according to our skin type.
  • We can add essential oils to it to give it a different scent.
  • Can be an original gift to a friend.
  • This cream is very easy to prepare.


Anti-wrinkle creams for the eye area

  • Beeswax. Beeswax is an excellent ingredient that allows us to solidify the mixture of oils. But also to better conceal wrinkles, to relieve inflammation of the skin and to keep it hydrated in a natural way.
  • Argan oil. Also known as liquid gold, it is an oil that deeply nourishes the skin, removes spots, softens it and makes it smoother.
  • Rosehip oil. It is one of the most regenerative and nutritious oils that exist. It is also ideal for accelerating healing.
  • Geranium essential oil. This oil also contributes to the regeneration of the skin and to deflate the bags under the eyes.

In a glass container, mix all these ingredients in the following proportions:

  • 1 tablespoon of beeswax (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of argan oil (8 g)
  • 10 drops of essential oil of geranium
  • 1 tablespoon of rosehip oil (4 g)


  • Heat the container in a double boiler until the wax melts. Then mix it well with the rest of the ingredients using a spoon or spatula.
  • Then, pour this mixture into the container that you will use to store it. Preferably choose a glass jar that closes tightly, and let the cream cool.

This homemade wrinkle cream does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, as the ingredients keep naturally.

You can apply this cream in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. Perform light massages from the inside to the outside while moving up to the top of the face

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