Foods Against Abdominal Fat

Green tea, in addition to reducing our ability to absorb fat, helps stimulate the burning of calories in the abdominal belt.

With the onset of the summer heat, many worry about having to go to the beach or to the swimming pool. And not being able to show off the body they want because of the belly fat.

It is therefore essential to ensure its diet all year round. And don’t leave out foods that can help you shed fat at “strategic” points, such as the abdomen.

What are the most recommended foods for belly fat?

When we think of dieting to remove fat from the abdomen, the first thing that comes to mind is a strict diet where you can’t eat anything at all for hours. This goes very badly and makes us suffer too much without obtaining good results.

It doesn’t have to be done that way. Because if we have a healthy diet all year round, its benefits are spectacular for the summer. And no need to “suffer” to benefit from it. Foods that help reduce abdominal fat are:

  • Greek yogurt:  it is a delicious alternative to lose weight because it contains twice as much protein as regular yogurt.
    The body then needs to put in twice the effort to digest it. And therefore burns more calories in the digestion process. Likewise, it is good because it minimizes muscle loss.

Yogurt for abdominal fat.

  • Quinoa:  it’s a great ally in our mission to lose abdominal fat. This seed is capable of providing 5 grams of fiber per cup, in addition to being considered a “super food” due to its high protein content.
    Quinoa is rich in nutrients such as iron, selenium, zinc, and vitamin E, it is an antioxidant, and it can be eaten with vegetables, lean protein, or dried fruits.
  • Cinnamon:  it helps reduce appetite and provide more flavor to our teas or desserts. Some studies have shown that the ¼ teaspoon cinnamon mixture serves to speed up the metabolic process of blood sugar 20 times and in turn reduce its levels.
  • Chili: also called “chili”, or cayenne pepper or red pepper, it is ideal for weight loss. This is due to its high content of vitamin C, which is stronger than that of lemon or orange.
    It is also an antioxidant, it stimulates the metabolism and allows you to burn fat faster. It also contains capsaicin, which reduces body fat and stimulates the elimination of immature fat cells.

Hot pepper against abdominal fat.

  • Green tea  : The properties of green tea are known to the body, including its effectiveness in controlling weight gain, even in high fat diets.
    This infusion, to be drunk daily, reduces the fat absorption capacity of the diet and stimulates the burning of calories and the fat that accumulates, especially in the abdomen.
  • Grapefruit (or pomelo): this fruit has very few carbohydrates and is 90% water. It also provides great properties in the diet because it has slimming powers thanks to the citric acid it contains.
    We suggest eating it before breakfast in the morning. It is good for people with anemia, it helps regulate cholesterol level, cure colds and flu. Don’t hesitate to include it in salads, juices and smoothies.
  • Watermelon: the vast majority of its composition is water, which takes up more space in the stomach and intestines, causing a feeling of fullness and preventing overeating. It is also good for avoiding food anxiety.
    It contains a lot of nutrients, it is low in calories. Enjoy watermelon during the summer for dessert and also between meals.
  • The pear and the apple. C are two fruits have similar properties. They are rich in water and also in pectin, which is used to detoxify the body. And avoid bad cholesterol, among other virtues.
    Pear contains calcium, potassium and iron, and is low in sodium. The apple, on the other hand, is a diuretic, it provides different fibers and amino acids.

Apple against abdominal fat.

  • Grapes and raisins. It is an excellent detoxifying food, perfect to eat when dieting. Its main benefits that we highlight are the presence of vitamin B and potassium, which are used to control cholesterol.
    It also helps to cleanse the body thanks to its purifying action.
  • Raw vegetables. The égumes greens, celery, carrot, leek and tomato are used to satisfy the need for food, as well as providing plenty of water. They are low in calories.
    Try to eat them raw once a day. Because they have a lot of vitamins and fibers. Minerals and antioxidants, which are usually lost during cooking.
  • Green coffee: green coffee  extract helps in weight loss. Because it modifies the metabolism which deals with processing food. It is by its substance that it prevents the body from absorbing the calories ingested from fats and carbohydrates.
  • Eggs:  If you take two eggs for breakfast each day, you can lose several pounds. They bring a great feeling of satiety and avoid snacking between meals. Which brings more energy until noon.

Eggs against abdominal fat.

  • Oats:  they are rich in complex carbohydrates, proteins and fibers and have a low glycemic index. It provides unsaturated fats, and also potassium. Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, essential nutrients for muscles.
  • Whole grains. T o eat well without adding calories, you should include whole grains in your diet every day. They provide fiber, zinc, vitamin E, magnesium and vitamin B6.
    These elements prevent the development of diseases. And can also reduce abdominal fat. Consume whole grains in breads, pizzas, pastas, also desserts, etc. against abdominal fat.

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