Flies In The House: 6 Natural Tips

Flies can be found in almost all places in the world, except the poles and places of high altitude.

Cloves, in addition to scare away insects, including flies, works as a natural deodorant for any room.

Flies are very nasty insects that can cause different types of diseases.

For example, when they come in contact with the food we eat, they can transmit disease.

Fortunately, there are various natural tips that can help us get rid of those annoying insects that enter our home.

In this article, we are going to share with you several formulas that allow you to eliminate them without having to resort to commercial chemicals, which are full of toxins.

Water bags

Transparent water bags are a great help in naturally repelling house flies.

For this, you have to put water in transparent plastic bags, up to three quarters.

Tie a knot so that the water does not run out and then hang them in the house, near doors and windows.

This natural trick is very effective, as the water in the transparent bags causes sunlight to reflect and form prisms. This optical effect repels flies.

A vinegar trap to catch flies

Vinegar contains acetic acid, an active ingredient which, when sprayed on insects, slows their movements, making it easier to reach them.

Mix it with other ingredients to make it more effective!

You will need :

  • Some water
  • Scotch tape
  • 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid soap
  • 1 plastic bottle
  • Scissors

How to do ?

  • The first thing to do is cut off the neck of the bottle. Then, introduce inside the bottle, the neck that you have just cut, as if it were a funnel.
  • Then tape it with tape and fill the container with water up to the fifth. Introduce the liquid soap, vinegar and shake everything well.
  • This trap can be placed in an area of ​​the house, where flies are very annoying. They will be attracted to the vinegar and will fall into the bottle, without being able to get out.

Aromatic herbs

Certain aromatic herbs have properties that help ward off those annoying visitors who bother us in our homes.

The function of these herbs is to scare away flies and insects from the house, and therefore are ideal as a method of prevention.

You can make several branches of aromatic plants such as, for example, mint, thyme, rosemary or camphor, among others.

Arrange these branches near windows or doors.


Even though cloves don’t kill flies, it seems their scent scares them away.

In this case, you need to lay out 20-30 cloves on an apple or other surface and put it in a key place to scare away flies.

Besides helping you with flies, this trick is also perfect for flavoring the whole household.

Honey with corn flour

This is another effective method to repel flies in a natural way and thus prevent them from approaching your meals and food.

To prepare it, you need to mix corn flour with honey or maple syrup.

Put this mixture in small containers and arrange them in different areas of the hearth to get rid of the flies.
They will feel drawn to the sweetness of the mixture, but will be trapped in it.

Clean your house well

Hygiene of all areas of the home is essential to keep flies away.

It is very important to do a general cleaning of the whole house and to frequently remove any garbage that can attract flies.

So, use a lid on your trash bucket, so that bad smells don’t attract them.

When you are finished cleaning the fireplace, dampen a cloth with vinegar and wipe it over areas of your house where there are a lot of flies.

For example, you can run it over the edges of windows or doors, etc. The smell of vinegar will repel flies and help keep your home clean.

You can also put vinegar in an atomizer and spray this product frequently in different parts of the house.

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