Finding Sleep More Easily Thanks To This Remedy Based On Valerian

Valerian herbal tea helps to fall asleep. It is also possible to topically apply the essential oil of this plant, oil that you can mix with other ingredients, in order to enhance its effects.

Valerian is a medicinal plant with relaxing properties. It thus makes it easier to fall asleep.

It is used as a remedy to treat changes in the nervous system, such as stress or anxiety, as well as to fight insomnia and improve the quality of nighttime sleep.

In this article, we share with you an easy to prepare valerian home remedy. It will help you find sleep more easily in a natural way.

This will help you avoid side effects of medications that may affect some of our functions.

Getting to sleep is essential 

It is difficult to get to sleep because there are many factors that can negatively influence our rest.

Ultimately, if we don’t find a solution, it can become a serious problem. If our body cannot recharge its batteries to face the day, our organs will not be able to regenerate and function properly either.

To manage one-time insomnia, there are natural home remedies and a few simple techniques. Nevertheless, when it comes to a chronic problem, it is fundamental to make significant changes in our life and to consult a specialist.

Factors causing insomnia

The main factors that can cause insomnia are:

  • the stress, anxiety, and mental concerns
  • disorders that affect health, including liver and kidney health
  • stimulants, such as coffee, cola-type drinks, and alcohol
  • dine late at night, or eat too much
  • a sedentary lifestyle
  • external factors, such as noise, lighting, an uncomfortable mattress, lack of ventilation …
  • an irregular sleep pattern
  • abuse of new technologies, especially at night before going to bed


Valerian remedy to make it easier to fall asleep

Valerian ( Valeriana officinalis ) is a medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times as a remedy to treat many health problems.

At the time, Hippocrates and Claude Galien already recommended this remedy to treat insomnia. This plant also had other more esoteric uses.

The many components of this plant have medicinal properties. This plant stands out for its high content of essential oils, glutamine and arginine.

It is especially the lower part of this plant that is used: the root, the rhizome and the stolon.

Its medicinal properties

Generally, this plant is consumed in the form of herbal tea, capsule or extract for its medicinal properties.

However, it is also possible to use its essential oil, which can be applied topically to the body or even be used to perfume its interior.

The medicinal properties of valerian are as follows:

  • it balances the nervous system
  • thanks to its sedative effect, it treats insomnia, hyperexcitability and anxiety
  • it relieves abdominal colic and other types of pain with spasms
  • it can improve the symptoms of menopause
  • as an indication, valerian is also a good natural treatment to disinfect a plantation and protect plants from late frosts

A remedy based on valerian

A remedy based on aloe vera and valerian to get to sleep

Many people drink valerian herbal teas to get to sleep.

In this article, we offer you a different remedy. The result is also very effective, and the application is simple.


  • 15 drops of valerian essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons of Aloe vera gel (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of a vegetable oil – coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil (30 g)

The essential oil must be pure and of good quality. You can mix it with other oils that are also relaxing, like lavender oil, sweet orange oil, or chamomile oil.

The synthetic essences that can be found on the market are simply used to perfume an interior. They have no medicinal properties, and may even irritate your skin.

The preparation

  • To prepare this remedy, simply mix the three ingredients together until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Store the remedy in a container with a tight seal. There is no need to place it in the refrigerator.
  • You can use this remedy for a month. After a month, the essential oil will gradually lose its aroma and properties.

The application

You can use this remedy as a massage oil, especially before going to bed.

A massage on the breasts, neck, chest, stomach and handles will be very effective. Thanks to the aroma of this remedy, you will relax, while the essential oil penetrates your body through the skin.

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