Find Out How To Naturally Straighten Your Hair

If you want straight hair without having to resort to chemicals or straighteners, read this article. These natural remedies take care of your hair and smooth it out.

To go to a party, to look perfect in the office or to hide their curls, many women opt to straighten their hair using creams, chemical treatments or the famous hair straightener.

The problem with these techniques is that they damage the hair. In this article, we are going to tell you how to naturally straighten hair. It is worth a try!

Have straight hair without suffering from side effects

Permanent straightening (which lasts several months) can give good results in the short term but tends to damage the hair. It is then difficult to put them in shape.

It is only by straightening them again that one can have “decent” hair. It’s like a vicious circle that you can’t escape.

Another of the most used options for getting straight hair is the hair straightener. This device which uses heat to smooth and achieve a wonderful effect offers a hold of several hours (at most a few days) because as soon as we wet them again, the hair returns to its normal state.

Indeed, many women straighten their hair every morning before going to work or on weekends to go out. The consequence: split ends, burnt hair, excessive curling.

Can you straighten hair naturally?

If you don’t want to “fall into the trap” of methods that straighten but damage your hair, you have two options. Leave your hair crimped as it is (and define the curls better) or straighten it with natural products, at home.

If this second alternative interests you, then pay attention to the following natural recipes:

Coconut milk and lemon juice

These two ingredients work as a conditioner which has the ability to smooth and soften the hair.

Make a cream with a cup of coconut milk (250 ml) and the juice of one lemon. Then wash your hair with shampoo and use this mixture as a conditioner.

Leave it on for a few minutes and rinse well with lukewarm water. Repeat twice a week to see results.

Banana and milk

Bananas are great sources of nutrients, including vitamin B6 which has great benefits for the hair.

The amount of the two ingredients will depend on the length and amount of hair. The important thing is to mash the banana and add the milk little by little until a paste forms.

Apply to damp hair and leave on for an hour and a half (until it dries). Rinse then and comb well.

Honey, oils and milk

You can make this preparation with ingredients you have at home or you can buy them at the supermarket.


  • 1 cup of bee honey (400 g)
  • ½ cup olive oil (110 g)
  • ½ cup of milk (125 ml)
  • 2 tablespoon of coconut oil (20 ml)


  • In a saucepan, put the honey, olive oil, milk and coconut oil.
  • Mix well with a blender and heat over low heat.
  • Cook until the mixture thickens. Then remove from heat and let cool.
  • Apply to hair starting from the tips to the roots.
  • Put on a plastic cap and leave on for 3 hours.
  • After the time is up, wash our hair as usual with shampoo and conditioner using lukewarm water.

Milk, strawberries and honey

In addition to straightening your hair, you will give it a delicious aroma of strawberries.


  • 1 cup of milk (250 ml)
  • ¼ cup of strawberries (50 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


  • Wash the strawberries well and cut them into quarters.
  • Put them in the blender with the milk and honey. Mix well.
  • Apply to damp hair and then leave on for 2 hours.
  • Rinse off using shampoo and conditioner, and brush well when still wet.

Egg and olive oil

These two ingredients have very interesting properties for the hair. The protein in the egg seals the hair cuticles and helps to better arrange the hair.

The oil will bring them softness and shine. You only need 2 beaten eggs and a drizzle of olive oil.

Apply to hair while massaging yourself, leave on for an hour. When it’s dry, rinse it off with lukewarm water. Leave it on for an additional hour and wash your hair as usual.

Lemon and honey

Naturally straighten hair with lemon and honey.

Honey provides hydration and protection to your hair. If you mix it with lemon, then you will get an excellent mask for straightening the hair.

Mix a spoonful of honey (25g) for every half a spoonful of lemon juice. Although the amount of each ingredient will depend on the length and amount of hair.

Apply to hair, wrap with a lukewarm towel and leave on for 45 minutes. Then rinse and brush carefully.

Banana and papaya

Here’s a fresh and aromatic way to naturally straighten hair. Indeed,  the proteins offered by these fruits are very interesting.


  • 1 banana
  • 1 papaya
  • a spoonful of honey (25 g)


  • Peel the banana and cut it into slices.
  • Remove the pulp from the papaya and chop it.
  • Put the two fruits on a plate and then add the honey.
  • Mash with a fork until a cream forms, which you will apply to the hair for 1 hour (or until completely dry).

Then you just have to wash your hair with lukewarm water and brush it well.

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