Exercises To Replace Classic Abs!

To have a flat stomach, you don’t need to do abdominals. There are alternative exercises that are just as effective. We will show you how.

We all want to have a flat stomach, with chocolate bars, and well marked like that of the models. But nobody wants to do sit-ups! Why are they so hated? Is there a way to avoid or replace them?

In this article, we are going to tell you what are the exercises that can help you have a flat stomach without resorting to the classic and horrible exercises that we all know.

Do home exercises to avoid abdominals

If you don’t want to hit the gym, don’t have the time, or know you’re going to give up after a few days, we recommend that you make a home program.

You can enjoy the exercises, lose weight, and have a lean body if you are consistent and eat a balanced diet.

There are no excuses not to be active. A group of teachers and coaches have designed a program of 6 exercises to be performed in 40 minutes and repeated 3 times a week. If we follow them to the letter, they replace any gym session.

To be able to practice and benefit from your exercises, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Have a large airy space (it can be the living room, if you move the sofa).
  • Do them in the early hours of the morning (at most, you have to finish at 9 am).
  • Stretch at the end (also 5 minutes).

The exercises that will help you avoid abdominals but also shape your figure are as follows:

Up and down the stairs

If you don’t have a staircase in your home, you can use a small bench. The important thing is that your pace is energetic and without a break.

Practice for 15 to 20 minutes to burn around 200 calories. The ascent must be rapid and the descent slow, to avoid injury. Remember to keep your back straight at all times.


Flexions for the abdominals.

Maybe you don’t like it, but nothing like it to mark your abs! The contractions of the belly during flexions are ideal for it to be flat. For 100 flexes, we lose 300 calories (to burn this same amount while doing abdominals, you have to do 1000!)

Put your back straight. Take a broom and pass it behind your back. Open your legs to your hip width and bend your knees as much as possible. The idea is to be able to maintain the posture for a few seconds and then go up very slowly.

Start with sets of 10 and do no less than 50 per day. Once you master the technique, you can increase to sets of 15 repetitions. You can also add weight (water bottles full of sand for example).

Exercises that replace the abs at the gym

Love lifting weights or running on a treadmill surrounded by people? Do you like going to the gym to meet new people and take a teacher’s class? So these exercises will seem suitable to you. Talk to your trainer so that they can let you do them during the sit-ups.

Trade them in for:

Bearings on stability ball

In this way, you will get a greater contraction-stretch mechanism without bending or bending the spine too much (which is dangerous and can cause pain).

Arm curls on a board or ball

Studies show that this exercise is 30% more effective than doing sit-ups on the floor. We put a board on a ball and we have the fulcrum of the hands to do arm curls.

The escalator

This is an exercise that works the oblique muscles and you do not need to do side abs to successfully tone them.

In addition, it provides more abdominal strength and stability while maintaining a healthy lower back (remember to stay upright when using the escalator).

Arm curls with a ball

A large ball is used and it is used to work the lower part of the abdominal muscles as well as the obliques.

Lie down on the ball, straighten your arms and put your hands on the floor. Then do arm curls. The legs should be straightened as well. You will protect your back and you will gain balance and strength in the extremities.

Knee climbs

Also known as the “knee-chest” exercise, this exercise allows the stomach to work without contracting. They can be a bit difficult at first, but gradually you will lift your legs more. The important thing is not to carry the torso forward.

The sheathing: the exercise that replaces 1000 abdominals!

Of course you would love to have the belly of someone who does thousands of sit-ups a week. But the mere thought of having to do them puts you off. Fitness has answers to everything that has to do with exercise programs, whatever the goal.

The technique is known as “static exercise” and simply involves putting the full weight of the body on the toes, elbows and forearms. But the biggest task will be devoted to the abdominals which will have to keep the torso in position!

With 3 reps of 60 seconds each and 3 days a week, it’s like doing almost 1,000 sit-ups. Not bad is not it ? Here are the steps to follow:

  • Put yourself in the same position you used to do the arm curls: on your stomach, with your legs outstretched and your toes touching the floor.
  • Bend your elbows and bring your forearms together in front of your head. Lay them on a mat and have the hands and fists face each other.
  • Lower your head to 30 cm from the ground and point your head down.

The only parts that are in contact with the ground are the toes, elbows, forearms, and hands or fists. Hold the position for 1 minute. Rest and repeat twice.

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