Do You Know About Smartphone Syndrome?

Smartphones can be addictive, just like drugs. In some countries there are rehabilitation centers for people who cannot live without their cell phones.

The arrival of new technologies caused a great global impact. They are still revolutionizing our ways of living today. They are more and more present in our daily lives and have become essential in particular for communication and work. The smartphone is one of the most widely used electronic devices in the world.

It is estimated that more than 4,000 million people have at least one. The smartphone allows us to access thousands of applications for anything and everything. Various studies show, however, that it also has negative health effects, especially in people who have an addiction.

These consequences of excessive cell phone use are known as smartphone syndrome. It is a series of physical and psychological disorders that affect the quality of life. 

Many do not even know they are suffering from it and are unaware that their health problems may be due to it.

What are the problems derived from smartphone syndrome? We will present them to you in detail below.

Visual disturbances

One of the first parts of the body affected are the eyes. Indeed,  the light emitted by these devices deteriorates sight.

The most aggravating thing, unlike other devices, is that smartphones are closer to the eyes. This therefore makes the impact of light stronger.

If a person stays in front of a phone screen for 72 hours without stopping, they can destroy up to 93% of the photosensitive cells in their retina.

Experts agree that the damage is often irreversible. This therefore poses serious problems for people who develop.

However, there are several filters on the market today for phone screens. Their function is to block harmful light waves.

Muscle pain

Using a smartphone for several hours at a time can cause severe muscle discomfort in areas like the back and neck.

Do not use it moderately and always have it on hand, even at bedtime, is the door open to the development of tension and pain in these parts of the body.

Physiotherapists who have studied these behaviors say that the position most people adopt when using these devices is often inappropriate.

They recommend sitting on a chair, using both hands, and with the device placed on a table.

In addition, using only the thumb or a single finger of the hand to manipulate it increases the risk of suffering from tendonitis.

Psychological disturbances

When an individual feels that he is not able to go several hours without looking at his phone, there is a high probability that he is suffering from psychological disorders.

The dependence created by these devices increases the feeling of depression, anxiety, stress. The same goes for other emotional states that affect private, social and professional life.

One of the most influential reasons when buying a smartphone is the possibility of being able to know what other people are doing at the same time, like the spouse or the friends, but it causes worry, anxiety and jealousy, among others.

On the other hand, you should know that they cause social isolation, and change physical relationships into virtual ones.


The addiction is very serious and often requires psychological therapy to overcome your smartphone addiction problems.

The anxiety it causes compares to that experienced by drug addicts and some feel an emotional void when they don’t have their phones in their hands for a while.

Connecting to the internet and instant messaging apps or social media are the first things people need in these cases.

The situation is so serious that in some countries there are rehabilitation centers based on relaxation therapy, for people who can no longer live without a smartphone. 

Do you moderate your use of your cell phone? Now that you know all the negative effects, avoid overusing it!

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