Diet Based On Fermented Foods: Why Include Them In Your Diet?

Fermented foods are good to include in our diet. Discover all their benefits.

Is it good to include fermented foods in your diet? Below we explain the reasons why you should include these types of products in your daily diet.

This type of food can be beneficial for the immune system because it helps in the elimination of toxins that are harmful to our body.

Fermented foods improve the digestive process

Fermentation is a process in which various microorganisms act  , all of which are beneficial to health, such as bacteria and fungi that affect the texture, taste and smell of this type of food.

Fermented cabbage is one of the fermented foods that can be good to eat

These products are often very useful in strengthening our immune defenses and preventing the development of a large number of diseases. The enzymes in these foods improve the digestive process. This is especially necessary in the case of the elderly, because as we age, the body stops producing them.

In short, these enzymes help in the breakdown of food. Indeed, they allow to absorb the essential nutrients and to separate the substances which must be eliminated.

Fermented foods help maintain bone structure

Including fermented foods in your diet helps regulate the bacterial flora in the gut. Thanks to the live cultures they contain, taking this type of food strengthens the human microbiota and increases the body’s reaction to these elements that are harmful to health.

On the other hand, these products contain high levels of vitamin B12 and folic acid, 2 nutrients that are particularly important for the condition of the bone structure. Daily absorption of these elements helps to maintain the necessary amount of calcium in the bones. The goal is that calcium does not wear out prematurely and that bone density is not lost with age.

Fermented foods help regulate blood sugar levels

Another benefit of fermented foods in our diet is that the large number of healthy bacteria present in these foods aids in the metabolism of sugars. In this way, one can control the highest levels present in the blood.

Fermented foods help regulate blood sugar levels

Fermented foods are especially recommended for patients who may have type 2 diabetes. This is because they allow glucose to be used for energy.

Therefore, this type of person should especially consider the consumption of fermented products. We even strongly recommend these foods to people without diabetes because they are good for the health.

Fermented foods to include in our diet

Here are some examples of fermented foods that you can include in your diet. Thanks to them, you will be able to benefit from all the benefits of this type of product.


In addition to being accessible to everyone, yogurt is also a very good food for health due to its probiotic action. However, you must be careful to read the nutritional labels carefully before buying them because certain yogurts, very rich in sugars, fats or additives, should be avoided.

Fermented cabbage

Fermented cabbage is a typical food of Germany and other European countries. It is generally used as an accompaniment. Cabbage fermentation is carried out using water and salt. This process increases the levels of glucosinolates, which help fight tumor cells.


Kombucha, a tea rich in probiotics, is a trendy product that is becoming increasingly popular in the nutrition world. In California, consuming it has become a habit; it is already served in restaurants, there are bars specializing in kombucha and it is served in some evenings.

Fermentation is generated by the symbiosis of yeasts and other microorganisms. A few tablespoons of sugar are added to black tea, which is converted into a multitude of simpler components, such as vitamins and enzymes. In addition, many people have already started to prepare this interesting drink at home.

Miso soup

Miso is a paste produced from the fermentation of soybeans.  It is sometimes mixed with rice or wheat. Among its many benefits, there is the balance of the intestinal flora that it promotes as well as the great antioxidant power it possesses. In addition, it is rich in essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins.

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