Dangerous Methods For Losing Weight

Nutrition experts oppose certain “fads” or “trends” for losing weight. What are the dangerous ways to lose weight? Find out in this article.

The best way to beat the extra pounds is to adopt a regular exercise routine and eat a healthy diet. The diet must indeed consist of each of the nutrients in their proper measure. However, some people ignore these good habits and opt for unhealthy and dangerous methods of losing weight.

Most nutrition experts  oppose the idea of ​​losing weight on strict and restrictive diets. Especially since these diets deprive the body of nutrients essential for its proper functioning. In this article, we go into more detail about this topic.

Do you want to lose weight ?

There are healthy ways and less healthy ways to lose weight. Statistics show that a diet based on fruits and vegetables, low in fat and refined sugar, combined with regular exercise,  helps to lose weight and, above all, to maintain it over time.

A woman who measures her height.

In their quest to lose weight in a short time, some people put their health at risk. It is important to know how to identify the dangerous forms of losing weight. However, more and more people are  looking to lose weight quickly and with little effort. 

Only, a dangerous practice can lead to unhealthy habits. And the person ends up, most of the time, by regaining the lost weight, in addition to a few extra pounds that are added.

Dangerous methods of losing weight

Do you want to know about the harmful practices we just talked about? Here is a list of the most famous. Strongly avoid their application.

Using fat burners

This deceptive “fad” encourages the use of chemicals and herbs that are said to “burn fat”. But  the problem is, there is no study that proves their effectiveness. 

Ephedra or ma Huang , for example, was banned in 2004. According to a study carried out by several researchers at the University of California, it is capable of causing heart attacks, strokes, hypertension attacks as well as convulsions.

Eat cotton

Here is another method which does not make sense, and which is also dangerous. It consists of swallowing pieces of cotton wool soaked in a liquid, such as orange juice. The belief claims that cotton takes up space in the stomach and brings a feeling of fullness.

As perfectly explained an article in the National Library of Medicine of the USare formed bezoars, or foreign material balls, which can cause intestinal obstructions. It is the same when we consume hair or dry vegetables.

The patch to sew on the tongue

This is an absurd method proposed and practiced by a surgeon in California, Dr. Chugay. As well as in some Latin American countries. The method involves sewing a synthetic membrane onto the tongue,  which is worn for four to six weeks.

The patch complicates or prevents ingestion of food because of the pain and discomfort it causes. A low calorie liquid diet complements this program.

To take pills

Also known as “diet lozenges”, these drugs (generally from the amphetamine family) cause loss of appetite.


The problem is, these drugs cannot be used for too long. And because they take effect immediately,  the person quickly regains the pounds they have lost when they stop the treatment.

But that’s not all. They are also capable of causing other side effects such as severe nervousness, anxiety attacks as well as sudden increases in blood pressure.

Making yourself vomit, one of the dangerous methods of losing weight

Some people think that  if they vomit what they just ate, they will reduce the calories ingested  and lose weight as a result. But in reality, this practice is a symptom of an eating disorder known as bulimia.

Individuals who suffer from bulimia should be examined or given an accurate diagnosis. Dehydration, loss of mineral salts as well as damage to the esophagus are some of the side effects of this dangerous method.

Excessive sweating

Many people believe that the accumulated fat contains a large proportion of water. According to this reasoning, they believe that if their body sweats more, they will be able to burn more fat and lose weight.

For this, they use plastic bandages on the stomach or synthetic clothing. However,  this method does not help in controlling weight in any way and even generates dehydration  and a significant loss of sodium, chloride and potassium salts in the sweat.

The side effects of these dangerous methods to lose weight

The methods described above are unhealthy and should not be practiced. Their side effects are dangerous and even fatal.

Therefore, the best way to lose weight is to improve eating habits and adopt good lifestyle habits. In addition,  it is strongly recommended to be accompanied by professionals: nutritionists, doctors, or physical trainers.

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