Cryolipolysis: Applications And Benefits

Cryolipolysis is a procedure which is already widely accepted thanks to its effectiveness and the low risks involved. It helps reduce fat in specific areas of the body permanently, provided you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Cryolipolysis is a technique that aims to remove localized fat from the body  when diet and exercise are not sufficient to achieve it. It is particularly indicated for people who have adiposities but do not have a high level of overweight.

Nowadays, cryolipolysis is one of the most used methods for shaping the body. It is distinguished by the fact that it is a non-invasive procedure that uses only cold as well as a vacuum system to achieve its objectives. In addition, it is remarkably effective.

This technique must be carried out in a specialized center with highly qualified personnel. Although it does not basically involve any risks or side effects, it does require knowledge as well as some skill to be applied correctly.

What is cryolipolysis?

A body before and after cryolipolysis.

Cryolipolysis is defined as  a non-invasive dermatological procedure that eliminates excess body fat through the application of cold. It has been shown to be very effective in reducing layers of fat, without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue.

This technique is the result of scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, Boston in the United States. The goal of this treatment is to destroy fat cells,  or adipocytes, by lowering their temperature until they break down and are eliminated.

Moreover, the procedure  is not indicated for obese people, but rather for those who have fat accumulated in specific areas of the body.  It is mainly applied on the stomach, legs, hips and knees. Fat is removed in small amounts over a relatively long period of time, ranging from two to five months.

Cryolipolysis was born as an alternative method to liposuction and laser lipolysis. Its effects are similar but it is much safer. However, this method is not effective in people who are sedentary or who follow an unsuitable diet.

How does it work?

Fat cells contain a large amount of fatty acids, which makes them very sensitive to cold. When subjected to freezing, they crystallize or die by lesion. They then gradually perish and are excreted in the urine.

If a person maintains an adequate diet and exercises regularly, they will no longer accumulate fat in the treated area. This is because adipocytes do not reproduce spontaneously. This is why this method is really effective, if these conditions are met.

In addition, the treatment is painless since the application of cold puts the area to be treated to sleep. It is estimated that in a single session, it is possible to eliminate between 15 and 40% of fat on the treated area. The first changes are observed three weeks after the first operation. Only one area is treated at a time and the number of sessions depends on individual characteristics.

The procedure of cryolipolysis

A cryolipolysis session on a woman's hips.

Before proceeding with cryolipolysis,  a specialist should determine whether this treatment is suitable for each person’s particular case. During the evaluation, he will take a measurement of the accumulated fat in order to establish the extent of the temperature to be used.

Each cryolipolysis session lasts between one and two hours. There is no need to anesthetize and the patient can be seated. Likewise, it does not need to be stationary. The first thing to do is to place a multi-layered towel over the area to be treated, as a means of protection.

Then this area is placed on the machine and then begins a sucking process, at the same time as the freezing of the adipocytes. At the end, the professional must perform a massage in order to disintegrate the frozen fat crystals which are then eliminated by the body. In general, one carries out between one and three sessions, with an interval of one month between each one.

Benefits and contraindications

Cryolipolysis has great advantages over other techniques. Starting with the fact that it does not require anesthesia and does not involve incisions, nor the use of needles. In addition,  it does not damage the skin and allows rapid recovery after each session. Finally, the results are permanent.

Besides, the side effects of this procedure are minimal. It is essentially a redness of the skin on the treated area and a feeling of tightness at the end of each session. Very rarely, it may appear bruising, tingling, numbness or cramps.

Finally, as we have already specified, cryolipolysis is not suitable for people who are obese, or who have a significant accumulation of fat. It is also not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, patients with chronic illnesses, or minors. In addition, this method should not be applied during menstruation.

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