Cleanse And Firm Your Skin With This Egg Face Mask

Even though it is not recommended to overdo it, the egg white mask can be very useful for our beauty , because it helps us in particular to eliminate blackheads.

Despite its bad reputation for decades, the egg is one of the most widely consumed foods around the world.

Its delicious flavor and high content of essential nutrients make it a must have in any diet.

What few people know is that it also has very interesting cosmetic applications. It can therefore be very useful if used in a good beauty routine.

Its significant contribution in proteins, vitamins and minerals allows it to be an exceptional ally of our skin, but also of our wallet!

In fact, many cosmetic companies already use its active ingredients to manufacture cosmetic products intended to treat many skin problems.

However, using it in a natural way allows us to obtain its wonderful benefits for a firmer and younger face.

The mask that we are going to share with you is very special because it has so many applications.

You can use it as a cleanser for your face . But it will also allow you to remove any dead skin that may be there and provide you with a firming effect.

What are the benefits of this egg face mask?

By applying the egg to your skin, you will stimulate the repair of its damaged tissue . This will allow you to prevent its premature aging.

One of the main components of the egg, lutein, helps retain the natural hydration of the face, which gives it elasticity.

The nutrients in egg white are ideal for restoring radiance to the skin and for combating flaccidity.

This ingredient brings indeed significant amounts of vitamins A, B and D . These vitamins are greatly involved in cellular activity to curb damage caused by free radicals.

It is also very useful for closing large pores, for removing impurities therein and for giving a natural lifting effect.

Continued use of this treatment is recommended for those who want to fight their blackheads, reduce spots on their face and enjoy younger looking skin.

If its effects do not appear immediately, you will still feel that your face is cleaner and softer from the first use.

How to prepare an egg face mask?

One of the main advantages of this mask is that it is economical and represents a great alternative to the expensive products that are sold in the market.

We all have most of the ingredients in it at home? So we can prepare it continuously, whenever we need it.


  • 1 egg
  • Coconut oil
  • Paper towel
  • 2 containers
  • 1 fork
  • 1 brush


  • Make a small hole in the egg, separate the white from the yolk, then put them in different containers.
  • Then beat the white with a fork.
  • Take the brush, dip it in the beaten egg white, then apply it to your clean, dry face.
  • Before the egg dries up, take a piece of paper towel. Cut it into several pieces, then put them on your face until it is completely covered.
  • Apply another coat of egg white and let the mask dry.
  • After 20 to 30 minutes, you will notice that the paper towel has hardened.
  • At this point, grab the mask by the small edges that should be below your chin. Then pull it up sharply.
  • This move can be a little uncomfortable, but it’s the best way to get all of your blackheads out, as well as all of your impurities.
  • After finalizing this part of the treatment, mix the egg yolk with a spoonful of coconut oil and beat vigorously.
  • Remove the leftover egg white with a little lukewarm water, then apply the yolk with a brush.
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water and neutral soap.
  • Repeat this treatment twice a week. Your skin will be significantly softer and more radiant. Do not exceed our recommendations, as this treatment can be aggressive with the natural oils in our skin.


  • Do not use this mask if you have an allergy to egg or any of its components. If you are not sure, give it a small test before applying the entire product.
  • Keep in mind that the egg smell can be a bit unpleasant when the mask dries up, so avoid using this treatment if you can’t stand it.

As you can see, with just one ingredient it is possible to work wonders for your facial skin.

The only constraint of this mask is that it takes a little time to achieve, and that you find a quiet moment to apply it.

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