Andalusian Gazpacho: Find Out How To Prepare It Correctly!

Andalusian gazpacho is a delicious recipe that can be used as a starter or main course for dinner. Find out how to prepare this recipe.

Andalusian gazpacho is one of the most historic recipes in the whole Mediterranean. Even today in Spain it is served and enjoyed daily. It is a preparation made from tomatoes, vinegar and other foods. In this article, you will learn how to prepare this recipe.

Before going deeper into this curious preparation, you should discover more about Andalusia. This Spanish region is a pioneer in the realization of this recipe and it is important to know the history of Andalusian gazpacho. You must understand that there is no clear trace of the real history of this soup, but that reference is made to the first versions of this preparation.

To be precise, in the 8th century, one of the first recipes very similar to Andalusian gazpacho appeared. At that time, the composition of this broth did not include tomatoes, vinegar, oil or green peppers.

In this sense, it was only after the Spanish conquest of America that ingredients such as tomato and pepper were added to the recipe, thus giving it the irresistible taste that we know today. So, as you can see, this simple dish has a great story to tell.

Andalusian gazpacho

As a result, it will be very easy for you to imitate the Andalusian gazpacho perfectly. It doesn’t matter where you are from or where you are. It doesn’t have to be complicated, but the recipe has some important details that we’ll show you step by step in this article. This way you can be sure that you are getting the best preparation possible. In addition, it is highly recommended to consume gazpacho for breakfast and lunch. It is light, easy to prepare and very nutritious.

A lot of times, soups or broths taste like this simple and bland, but by mixing all the ingredients together, you will stimulate your taste buds. Follow our directions and you will see that in 20 minutes, you will go from reading the recipe to tasting this delicious Andalusian gazpacho!

The preparation of Andalusian gazpacho

Andalusian gazpacho can be served with bread. Usually it is served this way with a glass of water. According to the original recipe, these two elements are necessary for reasons of contrast. Plus, as if that weren’t enough, this recipe is full of curiosities if you’re not used to it. We have already explained to you that gazpacho is a soup or a broth, but it is neither served hot nor even lukewarm: it is eaten cold!

In addition, in the Mediterranean region of Spain, it is common to add an ice cube to it. It is said to give the soup more color and more flavor. This is a characteristic that we could not pass up. It serves to nurture the culture and find out what makes these international recipes so spectacular.


  • 4 medium red tomatoes (500 g)
  • 2 green peppers (125 g)
  • 3 garlic cloves without skin (35 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (60 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (25 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of wine vinegar (140 ml)
  • 1 slice of white bread (100 g)
  • 1 pre-peeled cucumber (150 g)


Andalusian gazpacho

  • Start by washing the vegetables well. They must be very fresh and carefully selected to give optimum quality to the soup you are going to prepare. Drain and reserve the vegetables.
  • Have the blender glass handy. You will need it to mix all the ingredients.
  • Make sure you peel the tomatoes well (removing any seeds), then boil them over high heat and set them aside.
  • Pour all the previously chopped vegetables into the blender bowl and blend for 1 minute, until you notice the mixture has the texture of a soup.
  • Add salt, wine vinegar and oil for flavor and texture.
  • When the mixture is finished, transfer everything to a small saucepan and heat slightly to cook the tomato.
  • Remove from the heat and let cool (this is very important) for 2 hours. Serve in a mug; your Andalusian gazpacho is ready!

Do you dare to prepare this Andalusian gazpacho recipe? Try this recipe if you want to consume a hearty dinner or as a starter to any meal. You will surely surprise your guests with this nutritious and healthy dish.

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