A Green Smoothie For Weight Loss

As well as being satiating and helping you lose weight, this green smoothie is great for getting extra vitamins and minerals while helping you eliminate fat. toxins.

Green smoothies are drinks that mix vegetables and fruits. This smoothie for weight loss is an easy recipe to prepare. It will help you cleanse your body of toxins, get healthy nutrients, and lose weight fast.

Since green smoothies are made with vegetables and fruits, they are very healthy. They thus offer all the benefits and nutrients of plants. This also includes dietary fiber.

When you only drink fruit juices, it is sugar and water that you are consuming. Most of the fiber is treated as waste by the metabolism.

After you have fully integrated all of the above, it is time to find out how to prepare this green smoothie for weight loss. It’s a sweet, creamy and healthy recipe for an energetic breakfast.


  • 1 cup of frozen mango (150 g)
  • a ripe plantain, cut into pieces
  • 1 cup washed fresh spinach leaves (60 g)
  • 1 cup of almond milk, organic and unsweetened (250 ml)


  • Add all the ingredients to the blender and mix.
  • Drink it right away to make sure it doesn’t lose its nutrients.

If the day is very hot, add ice if you want a cool smoothie. If you fancy something with more body, add two ice cubes.

We do not advise you to add sweeteners. If the taste is not sweet enough, add only a drop or two of liquid stevia and gradually reduce the amounts.

Benefits of spinach

green spinach smoothie

  • Spinach helps in weight loss because it is low in calories but provides us with many nutrients. There are only 23 calories in 100 grams, making it the perfect base for this green weight loss smoothie.
  • They are exceptional for providing instant energy thanks to their high content of vitamins and minerals.
  • It is a good source of vitamins A and C and minerals (manganese, zinc and selenium). Spinach is therefore useful in protecting various systems and functions of the body, from digestive health to visual health.
  • In this smoothie, the spinach offers a healthier, nicer and greener base. They do not influence the taste, as the tropical flavor of the mango surpasses it.

Benefits of mango

  • Mango is one of the main suppliers of beta-carotene, a nutrient known to reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer.
  • A single mango is capable of providing the necessary amount of calcium that your body needs in a day.
  • It helps strengthen bones because it contains minerals, calcium and magnesium, as well as B vitamins.
  • They are rich in a carotenoid called lycopene, which is an effective antioxidant.
  • In addition to all the properties mentioned above, in this green weight loss smoothie, the mango has the function of completely covering the taste of green vegetables with its sweetness.

Thanks to their consistency, mangoes give body to the smoothie and make it pleasant and thick.

Benefits of bananas

green banana smoothie

Another ingredient in this green weight loss smoothie is bananas, an incredibly nutritious food that is part of any healthy balanced diet.

In addition to potassium, for which they are known, bananas contain a wide variety of nutrients:

  • Vitamins (A, group B, C)
  • Minerals (magnesium, calcium)

Vitamin B6 provided by bananas helps in the production of neurotransmitters. With an average banana, you get about 25% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B6.

The only problem with this fruit is that it can be a bit higher in calories and carbohydrates than the rest.

However, its calorie content is only 92 calories and only 0.5g of fat. Which means it’s suitable as part of a low fat or calorie controlled diet.

If you like bananas a lot, we recommend that you eat them before you exercise. This will allow you to burn those calories while benefiting from their nutrients.

Benefits of almond milk

Almond milk doesn’t necessarily help you lose weight as it is also a source of calories, but it can aid weight loss if you use it as a substitute for higher calorie drinks.

One cup of unsweetened almond milk contains 30 calories, while one cup of skimmed cow’s milk contains 83 calories.

This type of milk is an alternative to cow’s milk, rich in calcium. It is therefore ideal for people who are lactose intolerant or who do not consume products of animal origin.

Sales presentations are often fortified with vitamins D, E, and B. If you’re going with commercial almond milk for that great green smoothie for weight loss, check that it contains fortifiers.

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