A 100% Natural Drink To Cleanse Your Kidneys

The kidneys are responsible for filtering toxins that circulate in our blood stream to eliminate them through the urine. Cleaning your kidneys is essential …

The kidneys can sometimes be overloaded and have difficulty. Residues that the kidneys fail to process remain in the body, eventually poisoning it and interfering with many of its vital systems. That is why it is essential to take care and cleanse your kidneys.

Kidney dysfunction can cause serious illness, such as kidney failure or stones. In the most advanced cases, this phenomenon can compromise the health of other vital organs, such as the heart and liver.

The good news is that there are natural ways to help your kidneys function properly and to easily remove the substances that clog them.

Among these solutions, we have chosen to tell you about an antioxidant and diuretic drink that you can prepare at home. How about trying it out today?

Citrus drink to cleanse his kidneys: the characteristics

Cleanse your kidneys

This natural drink for cleaning the kidneys and fighting kidney stones is made from lime, lime and orange.

Thanks to its richness in phytonutrients and antioxidants, it improves kidney function if consumed daily.

The ingestion of fluids is essential for the body to be able to carry out its detoxification processes. You can easily appreciate the fact that this drink is a suitable solution for kidney problems.

In addition, it contains very few calories and provides large amounts of vitamin C, minerals and dietary fiber. It also has diuretic properties that stimulate the elimination of retained fluids and substances that cause stone formation.

Lime, just like lime and orange, contains citric acid and phosphoric acid, among its main components. These substances help regulate the acidity of urine and play an important role in preventing kidney stones.

Finally, we must add that this drink helps strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of infections and urinary diseases.

Citrus drink to cleanse your kidneys: the recipe

Citrus drink

You will be able to take care of your kidney health while purifying your digestive and hepatic systems. It is a great alternative for anyone who has difficulty drinking water, as its slight acidic flavor is very pleasant.

This drink will help you hydrate your body, lose weight and improve the health of your skin.


  • 1 lime
  • 1 lime
  • 5 cups of water (1/4 liter)
  • 1 orange
  • 10 mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar or baking soda (10 g)


  • Dilute the vinegar or baking soda in water and use them to disinfect the rind of all your citrus fruits.
  • Next, cut your lemon into slices, along with your lime and your orange.
  • Pour all the fruits into a jug and add the water, then the mint leaves.
  • Let this mixture sit for a minimum of two hours, although it is best to do so overnight.
  • The next morning, consume a glass of this mixture on an empty stomach, then take two to three again in the same day.
  • Take this treatment for a full week, then rest for two more.

Do not forget !

It is essential that you keep in mind that  the effects of this drink depend on your lifestyle.

You need to improve your diet by not consuming foods high in oxalates, such as coffee, sodas, dried fruits or cocoa.

We also recommend that you increase your intake of vitamin C. This, not just to dissolve your stones, but to protect your entire urinary system. You can, for example, incorporate blueberries or lingonberries into your daily diet. They contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Drink about 8 glasses of water a day, in the form of natural drinks, herbal teas, fruit or other foods that contain large amounts of it.

If you suffer from kidney disease or are undergoing special treatment, we recommend that you consult a doctor before testing this remedy.

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