How To Lighten Or Eliminate Dark Circles?

Ice is a powerful anti-inflammatory, which also helps us reduce bags under the eyes, as well as dark circles. Remember that we have to wrap it in a cloth so as not to get burned.

Our body always reflects our physical and moral state, especially the face which is very sensitive and easily stores any type of excess or lack of care. This leads us to evoke dark circles.

Sometimes some can ignite, and take on a brown or green tint, indicating that something bad is happening.

They usually appear because of a lack of sleep, stress or worry.

They can also be attributed to dehydration, fluid retention, stagnation of blood in the body, hormonal changes, among others.

Treatments to do away with dark circles

Cucumber and carrot

Cucumber against dark circles.

You can eliminate eye strain by grating a piece of cucumber and carrot and putting them on the eyelids for 15 minutes every night.

Try to keep them in the fridge to keep them cool and help your eyelids relax. Rinse with the coldest water possible.


Lavender can be used as an anti-inflammatory.

It is not recommended to use lavender essential oil on the skin, but you can pour a drop of this oil in water and apply this mixture on the dark circles using a cotton ball. It is not necessary to rinse since the applied dose is very low.

If you have very sensitive skin, you can brew water and lavender and inhale the vapors.

Ice cubes

As you know, ice cubes are recommended when you suffer from inflammation in any part of the body. You can wrap a few ice cubes in a clean, soft cloth and apply it to the eyes for 15 minutes.


Mint on dark circles.

Mix a few mint leaves with a little olive oil, smear it with a cotton ball on the lower eyelid before sleeping.

To be applied in moderation in order to be able to leave it on all night without feeling discomfort.

Milk compresses

Make the milk as cold as possible and pour it into a glass with a few pieces of cotton wool. Take them out and put them on your eyelids.

Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse it off with plenty of water.

Potato compresses

This is one of the recipes that should be applied regularly. Peel and grate a potato, put it in gauze and put it on the eyes.

Leave it on for as long as you can and repeat this regularly each day for more effective benefits.


Chamomile has sedative and softening properties. Prepare a chamomile infusion and add a little natural yogurt to it. It should have a creamy texture.

Apply it around the eyes and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water.

Rose compresses

Thin out a rose and prepare an infusion with the petals. Let it boil for about 2 hours so that the nutrients in the petals come out.

Pass the infusion through a colander and wait for it to cool a little. Soak a cotton ball in this decoction and let it act on your eyes for a few minutes. Rinse it off with cold water.

Consume water

As we pointed out previously, dehydration can also generate dark circles. This is why it is important to consume a lot of water, at least 8 glasses per day.

Tea compresses

Tea against dark circles.

Tea is helpful in relieving inflammation and relaxing the body. Boil a sachet for 10 minutes then put one on each eye. Leave on for a while.

This treatment can be done several times a day.

The strawberry

Strawberry can be used as a flame retardant. Prepare a puree with its pulp and apply it on the eyelid.

Leave it on for half an hour and rinse it off with plenty of water.

The lemon

This recipe is special to lighten the color of dark circles, thanks to its vitamin C. Use a piece of cotton wool and put it in a glass with lemon juice.

Then, pass this mixture around the eyes, being careful that it does not enter the eyes. Leave it on for a while and rinse it off with lukewarm water.

To do two or three times a week.

We hope you have found these homemade recipes to reduce and eliminate dark circles.

If you are unsuccessful in getting results with these remedies, it is better to consult a doctor to make sure that it is not a more serious problem.

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