How To Reduce Sugar Consumption?

Science has proven excessive sugar intake to be a significant risk factor for chronic noncommunicable diseases. This is why it is wise to know some strategies to reduce its consumption.

The consumption of sugar represents one of the greatest risks for the development of complex diseases. We know it is  a health risk if it is excessive. However, despite its potential danger, it is one of the most widely used ingredients in the food industry for the development of most products.

This makes sugar too much of a food in the usual diet, the consumption of which should be reduced as much as possible. A decrease in sugar intake  would actually reduce insulin resistance as well as the chances of suffering from diabetes, obesity and cancer. Therefore, it may be a good idea to put some sugar lowering strategies in place.

Replace processed products with fresh products

Most processed products contain sugar in their composition. Whether it’s simple sugar, cane sugar, coconut, honey, etc. All of these ingredients cause great pancreatic stress and harm the body.

Thus,  the simple act of replacing processed foods with fresh products  significantly contributes to reducing the daily consumption of sugar. In addition, fresh products generally provide proteins, vitamins and antioxidants essential for the correct functioning of the body.

However, not all processed products are harmful. Indeed, there are some exceptions such as, for example, canned legumes. This type of preparation, which is mainly used to improve the preservation of the product, is often a good option to include in the everyday diet.

A woman preparing a salad with fresh food

Don’t be fooled by labels

Often the industry uses euphemisms for the term “sugar” to sell a product as healthier when it is not. This is because  sugar as such can be called by different names, all of which have the same meaning.

Thus, cane sugar, coconut sugar, honey, rapadura, among others, are variants of sugar that involve the same pancreatic stress. And the same health risks as white sugar.

For this reason,  it is essential not to be fooled by the labels and to study the list of ingredients closely  before purchasing a product to replace another because it seems healthier.

Eat less to reduce sugar consumption

Eating less reduces the likelihood that daily sugar intake will be excessive. It may sound obvious, but far too many people eat far more than their daily requirement.

To achieve this goal, various strategies can be implemented. From intermittent fasting to weighing food. Or quite simply, paying attention to the quantities and stopping eating when the appetite stops.

Emotionally freeing yourself from food,  and not being carried away by its organoleptic quality, is positive when it comes to measuring what we eat and eliminating excess.

On the other hand,  this situation will lead us to choose healthy and necessary foods,  instead of rich products which are generally full of sugars and excipients not recommended for health.

What is the ideal sugar intake?

Knowing when to consume sugar is the most interesting

Ultimately, sugar is a nutrient. Its main function is energy. Therefore, it is a factor to take into account when ingesting it. It may be interesting to  consume sugar before practicing a sport, or even during.

Thanks to this nutritional strategy, sports performance can be improved and the onset of fatigue can be avoided. Thus, before consuming processed products or sugary substances,  know that it is always better to do so during moments related to sport. Rather than during a day when the activity will be sedentary.


The consumption of sugar is one of the greatest health problems. Outside of sports, where the ingestion of sugar may become necessary, the daily intake of this nutrient is often excessive. This phenomenon brings harmful consequences for health. And then it is essential to take action.

For this, it is preferable to reduce the consumption of processed products and to increase that of fresh products. In addition,  it is also advisable to read the labels of the products in order to avoid possible illusions when choosing. Finally, the best solution to this problem is food awareness and education from the earliest stages of life.

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