10 Tips For Having Beautiful Hands

Since our hands need regular hydration, it is good to apply a little cream after each wash, or when they are very dry.

The hands are our presentation card to the world and our best daily working tool.

As soon as we get up, our hands develop an infinite number of activities that end just before going to sleep again.

They are also exposed to various factors and environmental elements that can deteriorate them and cause alterations.

Since they are so important in our daily life, we need to give them special care to keep them in good condition, with a young and pretty appearance.

In this article, we are going to share with you a series of cares, tips and treatments that you can perform at home to take care of this delicate part of your body.

1. Wash and disinfect them

Frequent hand hygiene is a first step in removing impurities and microorganisms that can affect their health.

Whenever possible, they should be disinfected before each meal, after using a computer or cell phone, after going to the toilet, etc.

Use a neutral and mild soap so as not to alter the pH of the skin. If you don’t have soap and water on hand, opt for an antibacterial gel.

2. Use a moisturizer

Like many other parts of the body, the hands need regular hydration to prevent dryness and cell damage.

It is good to take a good moisturizer with you and use it after washing your hands or at any time.

3. Use gloves

Detergents and cleaning chemicals are harsh on the skin of the hands and can cause irritation.

To avoid these consequences, it is best to use cleaning gloves when cleaning and using these products.

4. Avoid the use of hot water

Hot water tends to wash away natural oils from the skin, causing dryness and sagging.

Try  washing them with lukewarm or even cold water.

5. Exfoliate regularly

The dead cells accumulated on the hands make them dark, opaque and strewn with unsightly stains.

To remove all these impurities, it is therefore recommended to use a good exfoliating product, whether commercial or homemade with natural ingredients.

Apply a small amount of this product and then rub it with both hands, massaging gently, so that it acts in depth.

6. Don’t forget to do a manicure

Manicure is an aesthetic treatment that can be done once a week to completely clean hands and take care of nails.

Among all the care that can be given to the nails, we find cutting and filing, exfoliation, as well as varnish.

7. Lemon for clean, smooth hands

The astringent and antibacterial properties of lemon are ideal for removing dead skin cells, bacteria and also bad smells that tend to permeate the hands.

Squeeze a lemon and apply its juice to your hands before going to bed. Leave it on for 5 minutes, rinse, and then watch your hands become soft and completely clean.

8. A refreshing mask

If for some reason your hands suffer from inflammation or reddening, do not hesitate to put this simple remedy into practice:

Mash yourself with a baked potato and then mix with a little olive oil. When it is lukewarm, apply the mixture to your hands, leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

9. Treatment to strengthen hands and nails

If you want to reduce the impact of free radicals on your hands and nails, strengthen them with this little natural treatment:


  • 10 cl of castor oil
  • 10 cl of olive oil
  • Lemon juice


  • In a container, first add the two oils and heat them over low heat. Let stand a little and then add the lemon juice. Pour the mixture into a container and soak your hands in it for 10 to 15 minutes.

10. Mixture for soft hands

If you want to have soft hands, even when the climate changes are aggressive, then prepare this natural mixture which has exfoliating and restorative properties.


  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • ½ cup of spiced rum
  • Nutmeg powder
  • 1 cup of hot milk
  • 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil


  • First, combine the brown sugar, rum and nutmeg in a bowl until you get a clay texture.
  • Separately, in another container, also add the hot milk and the essential oil of cinnamon. Soak your hands in it for 2-3 minutes.
  • Then apply the exfoliant prepared in the first step to remove dead skin, then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Finally, dry carefully.

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