The Best Vegetables To Lose Weight And Some Tips For Cooking Them

Garlic and onion can help strengthen your liver function and protect your cardiovascular health. We have already explained to you many times in our articles that eating fruit can help you lose weight. What if you also included vegetables to achieve your weight loss goals?

While all vegetables are great for our health, you need to be careful about how you cook them, and what other foods you combine them with, so that they optimally promote your weight loss.

It is therefore very interesting to learn about all these subjects, to apply certain rules in your daily diet.

Remember that in order to lose weight, it is essential to eat a balanced diet and do some sport every day. The effort is always rewarded. 

We will see, in the rest of this article, which are the best vegetables to lose weight, and how to consume them in an optimal way.

1. Spinachthe vegetables

This might surprise you, but spinach belongs to the same family as beets and chard.

They are absolutely delicious, are part of the composition of many dishes and promote weight loss. We explain why:

  • Spinach is mainly made up of water and protein.
  • They contain very little carbohydrate.
  • Their stem is very high in fiber, so don’t forget to consume it.
  • Do you know how many nutrients are in spinach leaves? A very large number! They mainly contain vitamins (A, C, E, K, B1, B2 and B6), but also iron, magnesium, calcium and antioxidants.

How to eat spinach to lose weight?

  • The best way to eat them is to sauté them in a pan. Do not cook them in water, as they will lose a large part of their nutrients, especially their calcium, iron and magnesium.
  • Choose spinach for lunch or dinner. You can sauté them in a pan with a few cloves of garlic and a little olive oil, or add them to a salad containing pineapple rings and a few nuts.

2. Cucumbers

They are delicious and refreshing. Cucumbers are ideal for losing weight because they contain a high concentration of tartaric acid, which is found in the pulp of this vegetable, and which helps prevent the transformation of carbohydrates into fats.

Remember that cucumber contains cellulose, an element that greatly promotes intestinal transit, which helps eliminate toxins and lower cholesterol.

A remedy with cucumber water to lose weight


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds


  • Start by washing and peeling the cucumber, then put it in a blender to obtain its juice. Once you have completed these steps, add the liter of water to the juice obtained, as well as the lemon juice. It is very simple !
  • Drink a first glass of this drink in the morning on an empty stomach, accompanied by a spoonful of chia seeds, which will allow you to lose the body fat that you have accumulated.
  • The next three glasses should be drunk 20 minutes before each meal.
  • Take this treatment for 5 consecutive days, then take a break for ten days.  In this way, you will cleanse your body, while facilitating weight loss.

3. Peppers

You may be surprised by the presence of peppers in this list, as their very strong flavor can sometimes make them difficult to consume on a regular basis.

The secret to losing weight while consuming peppers is to ingest a small amount every day, always raw. They will bring you the following benefits:

  • According to the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California, USA, peppers are ideal for burning excess calories in the body. 
  • Peppers, regardless of their variety or color, contain capsaicin, a component that helps raise body temperature and promote weight loss.

How to consume peppers to lose weight?

Always consume them raw, in small quantities. You can cut them very finely, or grate them, to integrate them into your salads. If you want to lose weight, then try to consume it every day.

4. Tomatoesthe vegetables

Tomatoes are ideal for purifying the body. They are indeed rich in antioxidants, bioflavonoids, vitamins (A, B, C, B3 and K), minerals (phosphorus, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium and manganese), and contain very little calories.

Tomatoes are definitely one of the best vegetables for weight loss. 

A slimming drink made from tomatoes


  • 1 tomato
  • 2 glasses of cold water
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 2 carrots


  • Start by washing the tomatoes and carrots well, then mix them. Once you have obtained the juice of these two vegetables, mix it with the two glasses of fresh water, and the juice of half a lemon.
  • You can consume this slimming drink 20 minutes before your main meals, for 5 days in a row.
    Take a break for another 5 days, then start again. If you follow a healthy diet, and exercise a little every day, this drink will help you shed all the extra pounds. And, in addition, it is delicious!

5. Garlic and onion

Garlic and onion are two excellent plants that will help you lose weight while improving your overall health.

These are two extremely cleansing foods, capable of eliminating toxins and accumulated fat. They strengthen the liver and protect our cardiovascular health.

They also prevent the accumulation of fluids in the body and, moreover, act as very effective antibiotics. Include garlic and onion in your diet now!

How to consume garlic and onion for weight loss?

  • Start in the morning by consuming a clove of garlic on an empty stomach, diluted in a glass of water.
  • Eat the onions raw, in small quantities. Cut them into very fine pieces to accompany all your salads. Raw onion retains its properties better, and also helps to purify the body better. 

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