9 Facial Signals On Your Health

If we observe our face well, we can discover different affections of our body because its appearance can reflect our state of health and intimidate us go to a specialist.

Discover in this article the different signals that our face sends us. As well as what they mean for  our health and what we should do to feel better.

We look at ourselves in the mirror several times a day to find out if our makeup hasn’t leaked. Or to see the state of our eyes after a hard day’s work.

Facial Signals Help Cure Diseases

According to Ayurvedic medicine, looking closely at your face can help us know if we are suffering from an illness or disorder. Skin marks are the perfect reflection of health, or rather, poor health.

Only by observing the skin of the face, we can draw many conclusions about what we eat, what we drink, if we smoke, if we exercise etc.

Here are some of the facial signals to analyze:


If your face is very emaciated and with very marked bones, especially the cheekbones, this is due to excessive exercise or diet.

If you exercise a lot, the skin does not have a lot of oxygen and the necessary fat. This is why the face becomes thinner, like other parts of the body.

The size

Conversely, a plump, drooping face is evidence of a lack of exercise, alcohol consumption, or high levels of stress.

All of these habits increase the production of certain hormones. Like, for example, cortisol and the parotid gland.

In addition, they affect the development of collagen and cause a lack of elasticity, fluid retention, and problems with blood circulation and inflammation.


If we associate them with the passage of years, wrinkles can also start early because of other factors.

Aging of the skin can be caused by extensive exposure to the sun or even cigarette smoke.

UV rays cause larger and deeper wrinkles. Mainly on the forehead and around the eyes, i.e. on areas with very thin skin.

Wrinkles at the corners of the mouth should be analyzed separately. The famous “angular stomatitis” is a sign of vitamin B deficiency and chapped lips a sign of vitamin C deficiency.

In both cases, it is advisable to eat more green vegetables and citrus fruits.


If you are lacking in vitamin A, among other things, it is likely that your skin is very dry.

If you add to that constipation, hair loss, obesity, extreme fatigue, and irregular periods, it can all mean thyroid issues.


We’re not talking about that reddish skin color when we get sunburned. But an astonishing reddening of the skin.

The reasons ? Drinking a lot of coffee and not getting enough vitamin D. Caffeine dehydrates, as does alcohol and pungent foods. In addition, the reddening of the skin may be due to allergies or the rosette.


Yellowish skin is a clear signal of liver problems, such as hepatitis or cirrhosis. The latter occurs through excessive alcohol consumption.


If your face is very white even after you’ve eaten, and you don’t feel sick, it may be due to a lack of iron. You may be anemic or have low blood hemoglobin.

One of the best recipes to avoid this is to consume pulses and foods rich in vitamin C.

Dark circles

Those black marks under the eyes that you are trying to cover up with makeup are caused by two reasons. It could be a lack of sleep or an iron deficient diet. 

Sleeping and consuming iron is vital for tissue regeneration, especially in the thinnest areas of the skin.

This bluish hue actually corresponds to blood vessels, which are seen through very pale, thin skin.


If you are already out of your teens and continue to suffer from pimples on the skin of your face, it may be due to a genetic condition (ask your parents or grandparents if they had it) or to the fact that you are on a diet high in dairy products and fat.

Doctors claim that there is a compound in these foods that causes clogging in the pores, the production of sebum, and as a result, the appearance of acne.

Wrinkles and other facial signals

In addition to the ailments mentioned above, there are other warning signs on the face.

The most common are the following:

  • Prominent temporal (neck) vein: anxiety, anger, or high blood pressure.
  • Horizontal wrinkles: a lot of worry but also an excessive consumption of fat, sugars and liquids.
  • Vertical wrinkle on the right side of the eyelid: weakened liver.
  • Vertical wrinkles on the left side of the eyelid: weakened spleen.
  • Horizontal wrinkle near the nose: propensity to allergies or even intestinal or digestive problems.
  • Bags under the eyes: water retention or kidney problems.
  • Crow’s feet: vision problems or a fragile liver.
  • Red nose tip: tired heart (too much cardiovascular exercise).
  • Swollen eyes: diet low in salt, sugar and fat.

Pay attention to all of these facial signals and analyze how often they occur  before seeing a doctor.

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